NOTICE: Support for DrBenGo’s self supported ministry iMedDo s.s.m comes from health supplement purchase/donations which require the the following disclaimers:
iMedDo stands for "I" take responsibility for my own "Med"icine and take proactive "Do"ing steps to protect and support my own health. iMedDo stands for the health supplement mindset, and ultimately it stands for the path to knowledge required for self-medication and health enlightenment. If you are reading this you have embarked on a health journey and iMedDo will be your guide to premium supplements and how they can take you to the next level in your healing and wellness.
Empower yourself by learning the difference between a health supplement and a drug. Learn about the required FDA disclaimer on all health supplements, and decide whether you want the freedom and empowerment of self-medication or whether you would rather have someone else tell you what to do. Sure it takes a bit more time and self-education to monitor and decide what you put in your own mouth, but the alternative of outsourcing the responsibility to someone who outsources their responsibility to an insurance company means that you may be risking your health for money if you get injured from bad advice. Health supplements are for people who don't like this kind of gambling and who would prefer to make educated decisions on what they put in their mouth to support their health. If you are not ready for this responsibility then seek out the advice of a competent licensed and insured medical professional to tell you what to do.
What is a drug? Depends on who you ask. In chemistry, a drug is a chemical compound that has some effect on biology. If you ask a cop, a drug is an illegal controlled substance, and if you ask a pharmacist, a drug is a medicine which requires a doctor's prescription to buy. When it comes to health supplements, the correct definition of a drug is anything sold for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, preventing or curing any disease. And when I say anything, I really mean ANYTHING. Because of legal silliness, anything at all can really be a drug, even if I hand you an orange (a fruit) and say this orange is for curing scurvy (a true statement since vitamin C in oranges is known scientifically to prevent and cure scurvy), without making a disclaimer, then legally the orange just became a drug. If a company sells you the orange it can get in big trouble because the "drug" hasn't gone through United States Food and Drug Adminstraton (USFDA or just FDA for short) drug approval process, a process which currently costs over $2 million dollars! Unless the seller has a lot of money, it is better to instead simply let you the buyer know that it's not his intention to sell you the orange as a drug. If the seller wants to just sell a fruit and not a drug then he can't make any health claims including saying that the orange cures scurvy on his orange sticker. Typically anything that can be patented and thus make lots of money can be a drug and anything else can be just a food. Health Supplements are considered by the FDA to technically be a type of food and must be sold as health supplements and not drugs to avoid the FDA's regulatory hammer. This is the nature of the health supplement industry, and every health supplement is required to specifically state on the bottle that it is not a drug by saying the FDA DISCLAIMER which goes something like PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY FDA & IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, PREVENT OR CURE DISEASE" which is legalese for "THIS IS A FOOD and not a DRUG!" The FDA Disclaimer applies to all products mentioned on this website & you will notice it is repeated often in every possible conspicuous location.
After you buy a health supplement it's up to you whether to keep it a health supplement for health support or to magically turn it into a drug when you use it with intention to alleviate (diagnose, treat, prevent) a certain disease. Just as everyone has the right to be a legal practitioner for themself (Latin pro se i.e. for self), everyone also has the right to be a pro se medical practitioner and you truly can practice medicine on yourself if you are an adult of sound mind without any legal problem except of course there is always the problem of you injuring yourself without monetary compensation if you do so improperly! An important caveat is that oftentimes there are laws requiring certain things (degree, licensure or board certification, insurance, etc) before you can practice on others, so self-medicate responsibly only on yourself if you choose to do so. Money has become the most important factor concerning medicine in this country, and for those who don't have enough to see a doctor, afford drugs, eat healthy, afford insurance etc, health supplements are increasingly becoming an alternative more affordable option. The act of buying a health supplement is an act of empowerment whether you self-medicate with it or not. You must self-medicate responsibly and if you don't know what you are doing then you need to seek out competent medical advice from a doctor.
The advantage of using a mainstream doctor (MD/DO) who is licensed and insured is that if they give you bad medical advice, there is a process for you to potentially get compensated if they mess up your health. Money doesn't really replace messed up health but is better than nothing. When you pick a doctor you are essentially taking a gamble that they are gonna treat your health right or you get a monetary compensation claim if they don't. Of course a doctor doesn't want to mess up so this system encourages doctors to use established and insurance reimbursable techniques and stifles medical creativity and experimentation when it comes to treatment. Clearly picking the right doctor as your primary physician is extremely important as although health can be traded for money, it doesn't always work the other way around as some health damage is unfixable no matter how much money you have. As you get older the exchange rate, money for health, gets more and more unfavorable and thus it is very lucrative for doctors to charge huge amounts of $$$ for a small amount of health. I really saw this to the extreme in the cancer industry where I saw one person trade a quarter million dollars to a doctor offering the hope of him living 3 more months! One disadvantage of our modern money driven medicine system is that poor people fall through the cracks as they tend to not have the dough necessary to hire a doctor or afford the tests, therapies and drugs recommended. It's very frustrating for me to see simple problems which could likely be treated very inexpensively with health supplements instead bankrupting people as they spend thousands of dollars in testing and they become broke before they even address the issue. However, I also understand the flip side of the coin which is how can a doctor treat you properly if he/she doesn't know the proper diagnosis as from the doctor's perspective to do otherwise would be to open himself/herself to mal-practice liablility. A person unlucky enough to get a bad doctor who damages their health, may also not have enough money to hire a lawyer to collect a claim from the doctor's mal-practice insurance either and might be at risk of being left without health, wealth, or even compensation for the injury!
Self-medication although not recommended is oftentimes the only affordable option for many people. Thanks to the internet, information and research about many herbs, vitamins and supplements is widely available, and doing a little bit of pro se work on the front end to make sure you are eating well, are not nutrient deficient, and exercising goes a long way for health problem prevention. I personally really enjoy working to help people who actually care about and at least try to maintain their own health as ultimately, your health really is your responsibility. Buying a health supplement after you research it and make the decision as a pro se medical practitioner is one of the most self-empowering things you can do but I can't recommend this course, you have to decide for yourself. Most any health supplement worth buying is scientifically known or at least implicated in treating, preventing or curing some disease at least to some degree or no-one would ever buy it! Supplement sellers can only sell it to you for use AT Medicine for health support, and with certain exceptions for certain health claims requiring FDA paperwork, they cannot sell you a supplement for use IN medicine without FDA drug approval in this country. This system has created a huge gap in medicine concerning supplements where there is a huge demand for use of supplements IN medicine by the pro se medical practitioner customer but the seller can only sell the supplement AT medicine and cannot give advice or make health claims concerning the product. To partially fill this gap for IN medicine support for AT medicine health supplements apart from the drug industry, a variety of gurus in a variety of fields have stepped up to the task.
Typically the mainstream physician (MD/DO) will not recommend supplements and will recommend drugs instead, however this is not a hard and fast rule as there do exist plenty of mainstream (MD/DO) doctors who are knowledgable about nutrition & health supplements as well.
iMedDo recommends Dr. Calin Pop MD who is a mainstream practitioner in the field of internal medicine who now has a more alternative focus specializing in colloidal silver and colloidal gold. Check out his book The TRUTH about Colloidal Silver & Gold which is relevant to the high quality silver and gold used by iMedDo. Typically the alternative practitioner or (priest in the case of DSM who does not "practice" medicine") will not recommend drugs and will recommend other other options instead including oftentimes health supplements as a preventative or larger doses of supplements used as a drug for curative purposes (or as a faith based item in the case of DSM), but is not a hard and fast rule either as many practitioner's will recommend whoever or whatever they think will best help their patient, client, or customer's best interests. Dr. Josh Axe DC as an example of an influential alternative doctor who has written some good articles including for colloidal silver. Some other prominent doctors to check out both alternative and mainstream include Dr. Mark Sircus OMD, Dr. Guy Abraham MD, Dr. David Brownstein MD, and Dr. Janice Speshock PhD to name a few liked by iMedDo. Integrity is critical in medicine, and if you encounter a doctor or health care practioner who is more concerned with selling you a certain test, treatment, therapy, drug or even health supplement over your best interests, consider finding a new one.
The hippocratic oath which has been around for thousands of years with the tenet of doing no harm is still relevant to all medical and even alternative medical personnel, but has been somewhat abandoned in mainstream medicine with the advent of doctors being controlled by business people, insurance companies and lawyers who don't necessarily have the same standard of integrity.
iMedDo founder and author of this guide [Ben speaking] is both a mainstream master scientist (MS) and alternative doctor (DSM) with a foot in both doors having both a mainstream scientific training in biochemistry and public graduate and medical training in the fields of Biophysics and Neuroscience as well as alternative training as a Doctor of Supplemental Medicine (DSM) specializing in metallic and metal detox health supplements.
Regardless, of how you found out about iMedDo Inc Premium Health Supplements, be it at the recommendation of a doctor, or surfing the web through conscious pro se seeking, I congratulate you and hope that you are enjoying this guide, learning something, and will continue to read on about how iMedDo health supplements can help support your health!
As you read this e-book you will come to learn how with only 3 health supplements, the world of mainstream medicine has been shaken to its foundation. The rise of alternative medicine is a natural pendulum correction for restoring integrity into the human experience, and iMedDo health supplements when used by the faithful for spiritual purposes are on the forefront of this shift. In the words of the great Hippocrates, "Let they food be thy medicine, and they medicine be thy food."
LEGAL NOTICE: Always consult a local licensed mainstream
(MD/DO) physician type of doctor for medical advice if you need it.
Medical related discussion in this Spiritual Guide is presented as
information or spritual advice for the faithful who believe in the tenet
of faith "love is all there is", not medical advice, and is not
intended to substitute for medical advice from a mainstream physician.
Opinions of Dr. Ben DSM and espoused in this Spiritual Guide do not
necessarily represent the view & opinions of IMEDDO.
SPIRITUAL NOTICE by Dr. Ben DSM: The FDA disclaimer on every
bottle of any health supplement is actually an intent based spell, and a
curse at that, i.e. "product not INTENDED to cure disease." For the
faithful of "love is all there is", the curse can be lifted by reseting
the intention using the prayer "This food is intended to cure all
diseases both physical and spritual and to nourish both my Body (Ba) and
my Spirit (Ka) both in this life and the next". AMEN (Ra).
It is so important to bless all food especially in America as ill-intented (demonic) forces speaking through artificial corporate persons using lawyers as their mouths have infiltrated almost all food with evil intent through the use artificial colors, flavors and preservatives that are not intended to nourish at all but to imitate nourishment. Such dark meddling is ignored by the atheistic mainstream doctors who ironically do not believe in same spellcraft "intentional legalese" by which their monopoly is supported. Obviously every food with good intent should at a a minimum say "Intended to nourish the body" on the package, but on how many food labels have you read that? It is from an ancient tradition of only certain temples being able to sell certain medicines and the temple of law (judge/priest) will only sell drugs (Rx medicine using an MD/DO through a pharmacist) is how the temple control works. Although IMEDDO can only sell the products as health supplements and not as a drug with a postive Rx prayer on them because to stay in compliance with the legal temple, for those who believe the tenet of faith "love is all there is", these products can do so much more, and I hope you discover their spiritual uses for yourself. Namaste.
Now that you have mastered the health supplement mindset, you are ready to take health supplements. Health is in the cards. The JACK of all health supplements is simply a good 'ole fashion multi-vitamin. Make sure whichever multi-vitamin you choose has at least vitamin B6, B12, D, selenium, iodide, zinc, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. The KING of all health supplements is colloidal silver. The QUEEN of all health supplements is a superior form of iodine than the JOKER iodide, the ACE is colloidal gold, and the rest of the deck is probiotics and a nutrient rich diet.
With over 650 known self-medication uses, colloidal silver is without a doubt the KING of health supplements. Colloidal silver is known to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi in vitro. Food grade commercial true colloidal silver is safe for both topical and internal usage and is known scientifically to be a modern marvel for disease prevention, treatment and often times curing, however as you understand because of your health supplement mindset iMedDo cannot sell it as a health supplement with that intention. NeuSilver™ is sold for health support by iMedDo where one drop in a cup of water is the recommended dose for an adult. NeuSilver™ is 100 ppm (parts-per million concentration) comes in a 1/2 oz blue glass boston round dropper cap bottle with 400 drops in a bottle and is used 1 drop a day is over a year's supply. Silver is a true colloid of 10 nm (nano meters) in size and has a safe all natural proprietary coating for safe internal use. NeuSilver™ does not cause argyria.
Customers engaged in self-medication with NeuSilver™ have reported the following doses as relevant starting points for guidance for health care practitioners: 1 drop in water swish for 60s for dental, gum, cavity, tooth abscess, mouth ulcer; 10 drops for food poisoning, 1 drop in a cup of water to make silver water and splash on skin, eyes, mouth, nose if infection, same for acne, 2 drops in a bottle of water and sip on water all day for throat infection, 1 drop in water and nebulize and breath for lung infections, 1 drop on wet cotton ball in a cut off glove finger for one week overnight for toe or finger fungus, 1 drop a day for immune support, use of probiotics with silver especially when taking more than recommended dose, 40 drops for colon cleanse with probiotic replenishment over 3 days afterwards, one drop of NeuSilver™ is comparable to one dropper full of many other colloidal silvers.
Dosing with silver is important and NeuSilver™ is bottled to make it as simple and safe as possible where 1 drop a day is the correct amount a day for an adult to take orally in their water. It's not really about the amount of water, it's about the amount of silver. What I like to do is have a canteen of water which I put the drop of silver in, and I sip on that water all day. By spreading the drop out in my water over the whole day, it keeps my mouth bathed in silver which is great for my dental health. Notice that on the bottle it says "one drop per cup of water." It's not expected that a human would drink more than 8 cups of water a day, so if you are using more than 8 drops of silver a day then you are using too much for daily maintenance and you are clearly in the self-medicating range so do so responsibly. Maintenance Dose: Typically 1-3 drops for 100-300 lb person, 1 drop for most people 100-200 lbs does not affect gut flora. Medium Dose 4-6 drops: Typically not used unless you "feel under the weather", probiotics recommended or you will give yourself gas from silver if you do not probiotic replenish. High Dose 7-10 drops: Typically used temporarily for specific self-medication for food poisoning or infection with probiotics. Very High Dose 11-40 Drops: Typically used for specific self-medication colon cleanse with mandatory probiotics. Extremely High Dose: If you are seeking even higher doses of silver contact me privately about custom bottling.
NeuSilver™ is designed to be used as a health supplement at a maintenance dose for health support. A common question I get is how do I know that I'm taking the right amount of silver and that it won't build up in my body?
NeuSilver™ is 10 nm and does not cause Argyria. I've been taking it for over a year and I'm not blue. Read Dr. Calin Pop's book about how this silver is safe paraphrasing that as it is in the 10-30 nm "sweet spot" for internal medicine to not get stuck in the body. Homemade silver which often appears cloudy white has silver over 100 nm which can definitely get stuck in your body and cause Argyria a cosmetic effect of a permanent blue-grey skin color which is why sticking with food grade commercial quality NeuSilver™ is a good idea if you plan on taking silver internally for much duration of time. So if you use a maintenance dose of NeuSilver™, you have to worry about taking too much, the silver building up or getting Argyria. However the issue of homeostasis is less clear. Silver is not a nutrient so you don't need to take it, but many of us choose to do so since it seems to boost our immune system and keep infection in general at bay. My guideline is that if the dosage of silver I'm taking is giving me gas when I take probiotics at least once a week then I'm taking too much. Even maintenance dose of silver can be too high for you if you never take probiotics.
A probiotic is a beneficial living organism (typically bacteria or sometimes fungus) that is good for human health. Of course using the word "good" or "bad" is somewhat subjective when talking about bacteria as most are neither good nor bad, but we consider them to be good when they stay in our gut for instance and help us digest food, and we consider them bad when they get somewhere we don't want them and/or cause us an infection. Many microbes are usually good but can be opportunistic pathogens if our body gets out of whack. Everything in biology is an equilibrium and when you have a lot of "good" bacteria in your gut it makes it harder for "bad" bacteria to grow and spread as there is less room and nutrients for them to use. Sometimes our equilibrium (homeostasis) can get out of balance in our body. There can be many different causes such as lowered immune system, hormonal imbalance, diet (such as one lacking probiotics or high in food the bad biotics like to eat) or many other causes. A common cause of imbalance is modern antibiotics. Penicillin, the first discovered antibiotic was a drug released by a fungus which killed bacteria around it, but guess what oftentimes when you take antibiotics, it may kill bad bacteria but then you might get an overgrowth of fungus a different type of bad biotic. Candida is a unicellular fungus which runs rampant in many people. Silver is a quasi-antibiotic (quasi means "as if") since it has antibiotic effect but is not technically an antibiotic since it a food not a drug as you know already since you understand the health supplement mindset. Although antibiotics are great for specific types of bacterial infections, many pro se medical practitioners consider silver to be superior to antibiotics in general. The reason is that silver has been shown to kill not only bacteria but also fungi in vitro (Latin for "in the glass" i.e. in the lab or in the test-tube) and thus likely does the same or similar in the human body as well. I frequently get asked whether silver and probiotics cancel out? Not quite. Colloidal silver will absorb well when taken orally through your guy and will kill baddies all throughout your body bloodstream and tissue excepting baddies in the nervous system (see iodine for that). Since silver kills all bacteria both gram positive and gram negative types, Silver kills both "good" and "bad" biotics in the gut. The way you counteract that is to replenish the "good" with probiotics and thus the NET effect is that only the "bad" is killed. Like everything in biology it's an equilibrium and the idea is to replenish good bacteria faster than silver is killing the good ones all the while allowing the silver to kill the bad bacteria and other baddy germs throughout your body.
Probiotics and silver can be used synergistically where you are both killing the bad stuff and if you replenish the good faster than any good might be being killed by the silver then it also further crowds out the bad bacteria. I mentioned that although Silver is the king of health supplements that probiotics are the rest of the deck. I say that because there are several hundred known healthy gut probiotics that live inside us and they help boost our immune system and help us digest and maximize our nutrient absorption from our food. If you took microbiology you might know that only some bacteria will grow on agar plates and only these that we can grow or culture in the lab are the ones we know much about. However, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a modern technique of modern biology where we can amplify DNA, it appears that there is a lot more DNA around in the gut than the ones we can grow so there could be THOUSANDS of undiscovered gut probiotics and the human gut flora is really largely still a mystery!
Here are some common sources of probiotics:Like anything when you take something, you don't want to overdo it, but when you take even a small amount for a long while your body eventually reaches homeostasis where your reserves are full and your intake equals your excretion. NeuSilver™ is designed and dosed at 1 drop a day for optimal adult health support to absorb, build up to a small extent but not continue to build up, and then to reach homeostasis in your body. Silver is not yet recognized as nutrient but very well may be. Like when you add a fuel additive to your car engine to make it run cleaner, adding silver to your body likely makes your body run cleaner and smoother as well without infection. People frequently report getting sick much less frequently when supplementing with silver, and most people and even most scientists acknowledge that silver is involved with pathways in the body which stimulate the immune system. Although not all the pathways are entirely understood, some of the hypothesized benefits of reaching silver homeostasis include silver's ability to kill infection by breaking down bacterial cell walls, starving microbes and cancer of oxygen, killing infection and cancer in the lymph system, binding and removing excess protein and sulphur, alkalinizing and structuring the body's water. Only food grade silver reaches a beneficial homeostasis in the body as non-food grade silver can build up in the body and cause a cosmetic effect (see Argyria). It is thought that beneficial silver homeostasis occurs in approximately 1 week (4-7 days) of using NeuSilver™.
Many people use a clear silver that they think is colloidal silver but is in fact silver hyrosol which is marketing language for just being silver ions. Silver ions are the health beneficial form of silver, but when you take them delivered directly instead of through a colloidal intermediate then they do not reach homeostasis and immediately just flush out of the urine. Silver hydrosol is fine topically or for immediate relief for a urinary track infection, but if you take true colloidal silver for a week and allow it to reach homeostasis then most people report they never get a urinary track infection again!
NeuSilver™ is a true colloidal silver. True colloidal silver which is food grade 10 nm and coated, when taken orally can readily absorb through the intestines and can reach a homeostasis more evenly distributed throughout the body than can silver ions. One of the reasons is because silver ions are positively charged (Ag+) and are water soluble, whereas colloidal silver is neutral in charge and can pass through and be shuttled through more lipophillic (fat soluble) compartments in the body than can the water soluble (hydrophillic) silver ions. Colloidal silver slowly releases silver ions and can kill germs in more parts of the body and is believe to kill infection everywhere except the nervous system (see iodine and gold for nervous system effects). Food grade colloidal silver reaches a homeostasis in the body where when you take 1 drop of NeuSilver a day for health support, eventually it builds up a bit in the body and then is excreted as fast as you intake it.
NeuSilver™ does not cause argyria because it is food grade commerial true colloidal silver of 10 nm with a proprietary coating which reaches homeostasis in the body. Lower quality non-food grade silver does not reach homeostasis and can build up in your body causing blue/grey skin in a semi-permanent skin condition known as Argyria. According to Dr. Calin Pop (paraphrased), silver approximately 10-30 nm which is properly coated does not build up in your body and does not cause Argyria, but silver 35 nm and larger can be a problem. Still many people are understandably scared to use colloidal silver because of the prevalence of homemade non-food grade silver on the market which appears cloudy white and has silver of 100 nm and larger particles which can turn your skin grey. Silver has no negative medical effects and only had the one negative cosmetic effect Argyria, and thanks to modern nanotechnology silver can be made much smaller and more precise in size and with NeuSilver™ Argyria is not an issue no matter how much of it you take. I've been using NeuSilver everyday for over a year and I'm not a smurf! Silver has all of these wonderful biomedical benefits of killing bacteria, virus and fungi in vitro and now without the one cosmetic problem, why shouldn't you use silver to support your health? Nobility have been doing it for thousands of years sucking on their silver spoons giving themselves a blue tongue and the myth of being "blue bloods." Isn't the health supplement of royalty good enough for you and your family?
Silver is a noble metal not a heavy metal and has strange and not fully yet understood electrically conductive and energetic properties. As a medical biophysicist specialized in nano-particle energy dosimetry, I'm fascinated by these energetic properties and have gained as much insight from silver mythology and psychics as is currently offered by mainstream silver research. Most notably, silver noble metal appears to remove and disrupt negative energy and is frequently used in aura cleansing to make negative energy "less sticky", and silver along with gold noble metal appear to "structure" water and this "crystal" water has many of the same potential for energy programming and most notably appears to "protect and maintain" positive energetic programming longer than any other substance besides gold. Of course I'm still trying to figure out the definition of "negative" energy vs. "positive" energy in metaphysics as some just call it a "lower" vs. "higher" vibrational state which is more applicable to comparison to mainstream science. In mainstream science it is known that noble metals of different nanometer sizes have different energetic signatures known as photonics or optical tuning properties. Many believe (including myself) believe that entirely new classes of machines can be built using these new frequencies including even communication across space and who knows what else (teleportation?). With current advances in quantum experimental data (not my expertise) some of this "crazy" talk is starting to seem much less far fetched, and I think our government and perhaps contractor Lockheed Martin know a lot more than they are letting on. Regardless of what is or is not known or is known and classified and/or propogandized in mainstream science and medicine, the use of silver as a health supplement has been around for thousands of years and I don't expect it will be going anywhere anytime soon so I recommend you get the highest quality available safe good grade commercial stuff NeuSilver™ to support your health.
Many customers have reported that using NeuSilver™ 1 drop a day in their water for health support has also somehow resulted in a allergy relief, and mold (fungal) allergies in particular. Perhaps somewhere between silver in general being known to be an anti-inflammatory and boosting the immune system, it makes sense that that allergy relief could happen in some situations. If you have experienced allergy relief and would be willing to give a testimonial, or if you are a skilled immunologist and interested in helping me expand upon this topic please contact me at [email protected].
Silver in general is a known immune booster. Although I could readily put "for immune support" on my bottles, that structure/function claim requires additional FDA paperwork so just enjoy your NeuSilver™ "for health support" instead. The immune system is complicated (it confuses me and I'm a biochemist!) Silver immunology is an area of study on my to do list, and eventually, I'll expand this section to talk about such complex topics as how "silver acts on the immune system in a beneficial way which germs cannot readily become immune to, not even drug resistant bacteria!."
Undoubtedly there are some situations where it could literally save your life if self-medicated correctly, just as an antibiotic drug could save your life from a life threatening infection, standard disclaimers applying. Recognize that there are potentially legal issues involved with me discussing this topic with you, so I have to do so just right using certain terminology so that there is no misunderstanding. Firstly, you understand the health supplement mindset and that NeuSilver™ is only sold with the intention of being used for health support so if you use it with the intention of being an anti-biotic then you are squarely self-medicating, and if you choose to do so you must do so responsibly which typically involves you consulting your primary first. Secondly, you understand that silver is not an antibiotic (because only a drug is an antibiotic) but it does have known antibiotic-like effects in medicine and biomedical science as it kills bacteria in vitro. Because of this, I like to refer to silver as being a "quasi-antibiotic" which is the best legalese-like word I can come up with as a pro se legal practitioner with the intention of aiding in information exchange about silver's antibiotic-like effects. Because I'm not a lawyer and talking about legal issues at medicine I have to give you disclaimer to always consult a licensed attorney if you need legal advice; just the same as I have to tell you to always consult a licensed doctor if you need medical advice, so use my quasi-legalese term "quasi-antibiotic" responsibly =). Quasi means "as if." I adapted the term from the famous pro se legal practitioner Winston Shrout who to paraphrase my understanding talks traffic tickets being Quasi-criminal when they are actually a civil matter as there is no injured party. You don't need to be a laywer to enjoy a health supplement but you darn near need to be if you plan on discussing your practice of pro se medicine on yourself to other people. Okay now that we have the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, I'll skip to the point. Some information to ponder is that silver as a quasi-antibiotic is arguably BETTER than an antibiotic in that not only does it kill bacteria, but also it is known to kill fungi and viri (in vitro) as well! The word "in vitro" means "in the glass" meaning "in the test tube" and is thrown in there by me for pro se legal reasons since is easier for me to to say silver kills germs in the test-tube as there are many studies to back it up than a broader statement. A much broader statement which I don't say but don't doubt is that it kills germs in general in the body as a quasi-antibiotic pretty much everywhere except in the nervous system (see iodine information for nervous system germicidal, and gold for additional information). Many people report a candida (fungus) infection following antibiotics, and have reported silver as being very handy in surviving their post-antibiotic fungus.
Silver as a quasi-antibiotic is known to interfere (cause them to be more effective) with certain antibiotics so for me to be safe I have to tell you don't take NeuSilver™ at the same time as antibiotics, instead wait until you are done then start taking it for health support after consulting your primary. In my personal self-medication I use silver and iodine instead of anti-biotics. If you get a multiple drug resistant bacteria such as MRSA (methicillin (antibiotic) resistant staphylococcus aureus) in a hospital, have you and your doctor been adequately informed about the possibility of using NeuSilver™ in your IV line? I met a woman who told me that she was terrified because her mainstream doctor told her that she was allergic to antibiotics and that if she got an infection that she would die. Fortunately, I was able to share the information about the potential to use silver as a quasi-antibiotic instead which after consulting her primary she now does and is still kicking. My friend and motivational speaker Dennis Kolb writes about using silver in his IV line as part of surviving chemotherapy and life-threatening illness after getting a hospital infection. I'm aware of many people self-medicating for pneumonia and lung infection by putting silver in their nebulizer and breathing it in.
Although I've heard of people using NeuSilver™ in a vapor cigarette dispenser, it is not recommended as from first pass testing it strips away the silver coating and leaves a sticky residue on the e-cig coil so better to use a nebulizer if you want to get NeuSilver™ into your lungs. There are literally 650+ known self-medication uses of silver, most of them related to it's germicidal including quasi-antibiotic anti-bacterial properties. Generally people use 1 drop of NeuSilver™ for health support as intended or 10+ drops for self-medication. Just be aware that concentration is important for silver and 1 drop of NeuSilver™ is comparable to 1 dropper full of many silver self-medication guidances you might find when surfing online so self-medicate responsibly.
Because true colloidal silver such as NeuSilver™ is so effective against bacteria and bacterial biofilms in vitro, it makes sense that it would also work in your mouth. Try 1 drop of NeuSilver™ in a small cup of water and swish in your mouth for 1-3 minutes and you will feel it clean your mouth by removing the plaque (bacterial biofilm) from you teeth. When you use NeuSilver™ as a health supplement 1 drop a day in your water as directed, you can likely expect improved dental results as most all dental problems are bacteria (bad breath/halitosis, gum disease/gengivitis, cavities/bacteria inside tooth, etc). I can't advocate this because this message is likely not approved by your dentist, but I haven't been to a dentist in over a year and I don't have any cavities likely because I swish NeuSilver™ water in my mouth every day before I swallow it when taking my daily dose of health supplements. I'm excited to have recently met some "alternative" dentists who specialize in undoing the damage caused by mainstream dentistry. Because iMedDo products are effective at cleaning the teeth (NeuSilver™ ), removing Fluoride (NeuIodine™ ), and detoxing Mercury (NeuGold™, NeuIodine™), iMedDo is likely poised to be at the forefront of the new alternative dentistry. If you are an alternative dentist and want to use iMeDo products in your practice please contact me [email protected].
Because fibromyalgia is somewhat of a catch all disease, different people's fibromyalgia may have different causes but for many people the cause is actually a bacterial biofilm infection in the muscle and smooth tissue. It is easy to demonstrate that NeuSilver™ is highly effective against bacterial biofilm in your mouth, and thus is no surprise that it appears to be highly effective against bacterial biofilm in the body as well. Customers who self-medicated using iMedDo products for fibromyalgia report using 4-5 drops of NeuSilver™ for flare ups. I sincerely hope and have no reason to not doubt that if you take iMedDo products especially NeuSilver™ and NeuIodine™ (also germicidal) that your chronic infection perhaps causing your fibromyalgia will disappear completely. If 4 drops appears to help, then try 10 drops of NeuSilver™ with probiotics and see if you can wipe it out completely. If your fibromyalgia is from a nerve inflammation, the NeuGold™ should help as well. I recommend you simply support your health with all three iMedDo products which are synergistic and expect good things for your health.
NeuSilver™ is excellent for skin and beauty uses for acne and skin inflammation. Try putting a drop of NeuSilver™ in a glass of water and splashing the silver water on the face, or using a spray bottle before bedtime and wake up with clear skin!
If you are going out of country and could only take one item like a survival tv show, NeuSilver™ could be that item. My wife and I used it in Mexico where we drank all the tap water and I even drank the Mayan cenote cave water and saved at least $50 from being water bottle price gouged. How did I do it you ask without getting Montezuma's revenge from the bacteria in the unclean municipal water? I told you silver is known to kill bacteria, virus and fungus in vitro, so I put a drop a NeuSilver™ in tap water and gave it 15 minutes to make sure it killed all the baddies before drinking and to be safe used 10 drops in the cave water and gave it an hour just to be sure. The cenote water was believed by the Mayan's to be magical and has a beautiful blue color, but you see a fish and bat in there so you know it's got at least bacteria in it and who knows what else viruses etc, but I drank it with some NeuSilver™ then climbed to the top of the Coba Mayan Ruins! Also, the silver is great for topical infections as well as internal health support and is great if you need water but get it from a sketchy source. I've heard of people who went to Mexico drank only bottled water but just had some ice melt in their glass and then got sick for 3 weeks after their trip! Horrible, I really believe that if you go out of country you should use NeuSilver™ in your water and the likelihood of such unpleasantries is much reduced.
Silver is believed to "structure" water. Crystals are known in mainstream science to have a piezo-electric effect where when you mechanically deform the crystal it produces a voltage, and who knows what sort of exciting mainstream scientific discoveries await to be discovered concerning silver crystal water effects as well. Many people including psychics claim to be able to charge and program crystals and use crystals and metals including silver water to retain energy and serve different functions. Perhaps they are on to something. Interestingly, if you put a drop of NeuSilver™ in water and have it tested using reflexology it goes to enlightened energy state (~700 on 1-1000 scale) and if you add colloidal gold on top of that it goes to 900+ which is believed to be as close to holy water as you can make.
Silver is believed to possess strange and beneficial energetic properties including being able to "retain" positive energy programming longer than any other substance currently known. According to Werner Brandmaier, a Feng Shui & Geopathic Stress Specialist, NeuSilver™ tested in water and energy drink appears to retain energetic programming at least 10-15x longer with ongoing testing.
In monster slaying mythology you always need a silver sword or silver bullet to slay that pesky vampire, werewolf, why is that? Sure it "kills bacteria, viruses and fungi in vitro" so it does kill baddies, but does it really somehow protect in a deeper metaphysical or magical way in addition? There is just something special about silver, and even keeping a silver coin on you seems to somehow deflect negative vibes, imagine what having silver inside you does. Feedback from my own personal experience and from psychics and energy workers at a variety of fairs attended by iMedDo over the last year has been a resounding yes that somehow the silver is removing negative energy or making it "less sticky"!
According to guru Quinn Eaker at the Garden of Eden, "Silver somehow kills the bad stuff and leaves the good stuff which is as close to magic as anything I've ever seen!" How silver kills bacteria is fairly well known in science, but how it kills other baddies including fungi, and viruses and other bad stuff and how it interacts electrically perhaps to cleanse the aura is not really well understood yet. Regardless, it seems to work so the question is not does silver work but WHY does it work? As a scientist, magic just means that there are laws of the universe that I don't fully understand yet, but that doesn't mean that they are not there.
It is known scientifically that nano-scale metals are accessing strangely new and exciting levels of conductivity and understanding nano-silver and how it disrupts negative energy is at the heart of understanding the universe is my belief as a biophysicist. Eventually, all of how silver works will be understood but until then magic (in the same way wifi almost seems like magic to me) is a perfectly fine way to understand it. My hypothesis is that silver conducts electricity at an energy level that is toxic to things which intend you harm, and that silver is used for the protective electricity in the body just as copper is used for catch all electricity and gold is used specifically in the nervous system.
Put a drop of the silver on the palms of one of your hands and then rub your hands together for about 3 rubs or about 3 seconds. Who should try it: Anyone if you feel weighed down by negative energy, or if you need to cleanse your aura before going about a routine or important undertaking that requires your focus. Highly ideal and recommended for intuitives such as psychic readers before and in between readings and also recommending for hands on energy healing workers. Metaphysical Usage is to 1) clean your hands 2) clean your aura 3) protect your hands, body, your space and the space of the person you are reading or working on. What you feel: Some people can immediately feel it make their hands more conductive, others feel lighter and less burdened by negative energy. How to test: Before and after aura photography will show that the silver makes the aura more green, the color of healing. For intermediate aura cleanse after rubbing hands together, flatten your palms and put your hand together in a tringle (pyramid) shape and slowly raise your hands above your head. Move your hand pyramid back and forth several times above the head (surrounding your third eye). Metaphysical Usage is as above but specifically you are blocking out negative energy, lower vibration waves from your third eye and you will feel lighter and enhanced mental clarity as lower energy background noise is deflected/removed from our body. For advanced aura cleanse Same as above but when silver hands above head connect in pyramid shape connect with the star energy then slowly bring your hands down and connect with earth energy then bring the earth energy up to match and balance the heavenly energy then bring your hands back up to your center (heart chakra area) and then release the energy.
Silver has the same energy as the moon. Rediscovering the healing, cleansing, protective properties of silver is a hot topic in metaphysics. NeuSilver™ colloidal silver appears to be highly effective at cleansing crystals and a drop can be used instead of waiting to leave the crystal out in moonlight. The ancient Sumerian name for the moon was "Kingu" likely the same as the Egyptian moon god "Khonsu/Iah/Thoth" whose symbol was a young crescent moon a symbol still used by many gods and religions (crescent moon of Islam most notably from pre-Islamic moon goddesses). If the ancient religions/mythology are to be trusted then the power of the silver is believed to be the strongest on a "new crescent moon" believed by many to be a a time of great transformation, healing and fertility. Why does the werewolf supposedly come out on a full moon, could it be that the power of the moon/silver wanes withe waxing of the moon and the terrible disease of lycanthrope can no longer be contained? The myths imply that the healing power of silver might wax with the new moon and wane with the full moon, seems like an easy enough experiment to try? Many crystals such as selenite and moonstone are also believe to also wax and wane under the lunar influence, is this really so? Not a topic I studied in school as a scientist that is for sure but curious now to try out.
The ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for silver incorprates a picture of a Mace (hand bludgeoning weapon) on top of the symbol for gold. Although the meaning of this symbol has been lost, it appears to me to reference the protective power and smiting (of evil) power of the silver.
A silver bullet for werewolves, silver chains or stake to weaken or kill vampires, a silver sword for demons is this all just myth? Silver is now know to clean, protect and purify the modern equivalent of demons (bacteria, virus, fungi biota) and there is no doubt in my mind that when you put a drop of NeuSilver™ in your water, you make healing water, no doubt the modern equivalent of "Holy Water". It is easy to imagine that silver is and was the preferred metal of choice for protective amulets (silver crosses) and likely by ancients for protective healing idols (see Egyptian lunar healer Khonsu he likely was a silver plated statue no doubt). Undoubtedly more evil smiting and lunar connections exist awaiting rediscovery.
As the moon only reflects sunlight, makes sense for it to also have a solar connotation where the sun is considered the same as gold energy. Interesting the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for electrum (silver + gold) is the symbol for gold with the "was scepter" i.e. power symbol instead of a mace over the gold symbol. Interestingly both silver related hieroglyphs incorporate the gold hieroglyph (discussed more in NeuGold section later in Guide). Although the meaning has been lost, seems to me that silver + gold = divine power whereas silver along means divine smiting/protection. Hieroglyphs seem to point that silver should always be used with gold just as iMedDo recommends that NeuSilver™ and NeuGold™ be used together either in your water or under your tongue.
Silver is related to heart chakra and the color green. When you do the NeuSilver™ aura cleanse your heart feels lighter similar to how the Egyptians believed it was important to make your heart "as light as a feather". Being grounded is important but the copper metal related red grounding energy is toxic above the heart chakra. If you over-ground silver seems to act as a reset button at the heart chakra to restore balance between your upper (solar chakras) and your lower (copper chakras). You can test the relation of NeuSilver™ to the heart chakra by doing a before and after aura photograph and seeing that the aura becomes more green i.e. activation of healing heart chakra. There are seven main chakras of the human body, 3 above and 3 below with the heart chakra in the middle. By putting energy into the heart chakra in the middle it goes up and down balancing and cleansing all of the chakras hence why the heart chakra and the color green are related to healing. Also note that the moon is believe by the ancients to have been created from the earth and is her heart, another heart connection.
In the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian creation story of the Enuma Elish, the snake was the protector of the garden/watering hole where the fresh gold water was contained that the Annunaki wanted for their salvation. Because of the protective role of the snake, it is no wonder that there is a connection between the protective role of silver and thus a connection between the silver and the snake. The snake is also a symbol of wisdom (is silver a symbol of wisdom too perhaps, maybe the silver + gold electrum hieroglyph?). In the Biblical account of Genesis which is believed to be somewhat redacted from the Enuma Elish, the snake was not the protecter but was portrayed as a tempting (but still wise) figure. In the Eastern tradition, the snake-wisdom connection is believed to represent the Kundalini (a dual male-female energy of the spine) and has perhaps been represented throughout time by the cadduceus (intertwined snake staff) as seen with the ancient Minoan "snake" goddesses which over time made a gender change to two snake staffs of Thoth, the staff of the herma-phroditic Hermes by the Greeks (whose statues I saw in the Louvre) to the male Mecury of the Romans to the Angel Raphael (Israfil/Israfael) still associated with the color green, a cadduceus (double snake staff) and of healing. Single snake staffs abound as well both in the Judeo-Christian religions (Moses vs Egyptians snake staff battle and with the Greeks especially Aesclepius the god of healing who had a snake staff whose symbol is for most of the world still the symbol of medicine except in America where the symbol is the cadduceus. So HEALING = SNAKE and I postulate that HEALING = SILVER and thus by mathematical equality SNAKE = SILVER. Some sources say the caduceus was an ancient astrological sign for commerce i.e. SILVER. Was the healing Caduceus staff/wand made of silver, or the staff (Nehustan) that Moses had the Israelites look upon for healing made of silver? Wouldn't surprise me especially since the pre-Khonsu/Thoth name for the healing moon god in Egypt was called "Iah" definitely a possible his snake staff was a silver healing moon staff in my mind. As a biochemist, DNA sure looks a darn lot like the caduceus as intertwined double snakes of the DNA double helix and now DNA represents for all practical purposes the Caduceus in modern science and un-intwined serpents seem to be the alternating electric/magnetic fields of electromagnetic energy, our favorite tool in science to learn about our universe. The ancient symbology of the Caduceus rather than seeming less, seems even more powerful in light of modern science. The protective double helix of the SNAKES/DNA protecting the SNAKE/DNA wisdom i.e the genetic code is a more modern but no less powerful metaphor. I believe that the SILVER is the symbol for the snake as well, and that understanding the healing green protective electromagnetic energy of the silver is going to be a key to understanding how DNA holds itself together through a twisting electromagnetic energy not currently and how the not currently understood electromagnetic properties of the genetic code (and likely additional unreadable encoding contained) is utilized and read could be the something exciting left currently undiscovered but now potentially unlockable with silver as the key to this protected wisdom.
With DNA, the building block of life, we are narrowing in on what does it really mean to be alive and heal. A virus is not alive but can have DNA or RNA and can interfere with or hijack ours! Does SILVER promotes DNA healing? My gut tells me that true colloidal silver and true colloidal gold helps DNA fold correctly and that this give you divine power where the green healing of the silver electricity goes through the DNA like a green healing cloud, allowing your DNA to fold correctly and and forcing viruses to be squeezed out to their death at the hands of the smiting silver. Science has only just begun to figure out silver, and is greatly blinded by unwillingness to look a the overwhelming metaphysical properties of this other diving metal. Perhaps we must first understand gold to understand silver as captured by the hieroglyphics for silver which all point to gold.
Whenever you look at something and the more you study it the more there is to learn, that means you are looking at a mandala. A mandala is a microcosm representation of the infinite. All three iMedDo products NeuSilver™, NeuIodine™, and NeuGold™ are mandalas and the more you study them the more there is to learn so it is easy to lose track of the big picture unless you know how to use a mandala. A mandala is used as a MIRROR to look at your own inner beauty/divinity/immortal Christ light self, and then the point is to surround yourself with those who love you and to beam love to yourself. When you buy yourself a health supplement, you are telling yourself that you love you and you want yourself to be healthy and to live a long and happy life and that it is what it is all about. That is also why it is not as effective to buy a health supplement for someone else, you need to buy it for you after you make the decision to honor yourself. Silver is really great in a mandala because it represents the heart chakra and is conducive to you beaming love to yourself.
You may have noticed the beautiful artwork display stand on the landing page of iMedDo and the top down view of it at the start of this Guide. It is called the NeuMandala™ as it is a special mandala incorporating Silver and Gold plating around a multi-tiered crystal (lapis, sodalite, pyrite sunstone) eye. See if you can see your reflection in it (try using your computer screen reflection) see the halo around your head and tell yourself "I love you". There are many ways to say "I love you" and my favorite is how the Nichiren Buddhists do it with the "Nam Myho Rege Kyo" chant which is the healing heart chakra note of F in many different octaves which works because there is also a connection with healing and music and notes and chakras where F/F# range is the green heart chakra and thus has the same energy as SILVER as it is a heart love mantra.
Iodine is a mineral nutrient found in and used by every cell in the human body and is just all around very good for your health. Iodine is the QUEEN of health supplements is because it is 4x more needed in women than men. Iodine is especially important for brain, adrenal, and thyroid health in both men and women, but women need even more iodine especially for breast and ovary health. Iodine is known scientifically to be a modern marvel for disease prevention, treatment and often times curing, however as you understand because of your health supplement mindset iMedDo cannot sell it as a health supplement with that intention. NeuIodine™ is sold for health support by iMedDo where one drop on your wrist (or other clean skin) is the recommended starting dose for a child or adult. NeuIodine™ comes in a 1/2 oz blue glass boston round dropper cap bottle with 725 drops in a bottle and if used 1 drop a day is almost a two year's supply. NeuIodine™ is a almost a 1 year supply for a male using 2 drops a day and is almost a 6 month's supply for a female using 4 drops a day. NeuIodine™ is energized diatomic lipophilic fat soluble iodine I2 with some nascent I0 in food grade alcohol (40% ethanol) solvent. NeuIodine™ contains the most bio-available and health beneficial form of iodine in the correctly dosed amount where 1 drop is 100% of the government recommended daily allowance (RDA). NeuIodine™ does not contain iodide.
Customers engaged in self-medication with NeuIodine™ have reported the following doses as relevant starting points for guidance for health care practitioners: Generally no special extra dose is needed for iodine just start using it at recommended level for you sex (2 drops for males 4 drops for females) after ramping up from one drop a day for at least a week and let your body start to detox and heal naturally. Fluoride and Bromide exit the body immediately within the first day the next time you urinate after getting even 1 drop of iodine and urine may appear cloudy which is normal, or you may experience slight nausea for 5-15 min if you are highly toxic as your body has a mild detox reaction to the fluoride and bromide released. Most people do not have a detox reaction and simply feel more awake and feel better after even 1 drop of iodine. If you have already been using iodine 2 or more drops a day for at least a week without a detox reaction (nausea, acne, headache), you can increase to 10 drops a day NeuIodine(tm) when sick with an infection preferable with corresponding NeuSilver(tm) self-medication dosage. For fibrocystic lumps in breast caused by iodine deficiency, 1-2 drops a day directly on each breast generally has been reported to make the mass go away or reduce in size within a week. If you are immune to detox reactions, taking more iodine even up to 50 drops is fine, but always increase dosage slowly to avoid detox reactions and if you experience acne, headache or nausea, you are detoxing too fast. Your body's iodine homeostasis can be monitored using the patch test monitoring the iodine stain spot on your skin. With NeuIodine™, if it absorbs immediately your body still wants more so you can increase your dosage slowly if desired (not more than 1 drop per week increase recommended), and if it stays on your skin for more than an hour then you are iodine saturated and can stay at or reduce your dosage by a drop. Taking small amounts over a long period of time is better than taking a lot of iodine at once as detox reactions can occur. For most women after ramping up to 3-4 drops/day they should stay there indefinitely and iodine homeostasis should occcur in approximately 6 months to a year depending on deficiency level. Many women are extremely iodine deficient and really need to slowly build up their body's reservoirs while detoxing slowly after having given their iodine to their children and many women do not adquately re-iodinate between children. Although iodine has a plethora of known self-medication purposes, you understand because of your health supplement mindset that iMedDo can only sell NeuIodine(tm) as a health supplement (not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease) for health support.
As a rational man, I have come to suspect that there is an evil force at work in modern medicine to keep us all iodine deficient, which keeps us less intelligent, less healthy, less energy, more toxic and with higher rates of cancer than we would otherwise have if we got enough iodine. Here is a list of the iodine conspiracy related issues which could adversely affect your health:
Perhaps mainstream doctors are to blame for being ignorant about the iodine issue? Perhaps they have failed to educate themselves and our leaders, or perhaps they are all bought by some wealthy group of private people who control the purse strings and rhetoric creating this evil spawned by their love of money? I really don't know the cause, but the results are real, that estimated 98% of Americans are at least somewhat iodine deficient! Whoever that "someone" is they are doing a good job keeping you from your iodine, don't let them! Although doctors and politicians and the government make easy scapegoats, when you point a finger at someone realize there are 3 more pointing back at you. With a health supplement you can do something about it, you can empower yourself, you don't have to be iodine deficient whatever the reason, you can take back control of your health! If your mainstream doctor is ignorant about iodine, then find one who isn't or find an alternative doctor to help instead. Dr. A. Ben Goins MS DSM (me) is a world expert on iodine chemistry and iodine health supplement bottling and usage, and I live to educate people and medical practitioners on the correct usage of iodine. If you have been looking for a premium iodine health supplement then look no further.
If you are iodine deficient is makes sense to either eat the food to get the nutrient or if you don't then to get an iodine health supplement doesn't it? Of course it does. Here are some food which I'm aware of which are high in iodine:
People frequently report experiencing a significant amount more energy when using iodine. Iodine is a critical nutrient for every cell in the body including the adrenals. Many people take iodine in the morning instead of coffee to help them wake up or during the afternoon instead of taking a siesta. Because iodine gives you energy, we don't recommend taking it within 3 hours of bedtime as all that energy could keep you awake while your mind is coming up with good ideas. See iodine for dreaming below.
Much is known about iodine regarding thyroid function and its role in hormone balance and heavy metal detox and much remains to be discovered. Furthermore, iodine is amazing as it detoxes chlorine, fluorine, bromine (and similar chloride, fluoride, and bromide) from the body and thyroid. Through thyroid function, iodine actually helps detox EVERY heavy metal including mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum to name a few from the body. Iodine supplementation has a wonderful effect of removing all the toxic metals in the body the main mechanism of which is because of improved thyroid function according to Dr. Lawrence Wilson MD. How exactly the thyroid does this detoxing is somewhat complicated and beyond the scope of this article but the results are real and one way it has been seen is by urine testing where increased heavy metals are detected when supplementing with iodine. (see generally work of Dr. Guy Abraham and Dr. David Brownstein). Iodine can also act as an oxidizer on contact with metals. It can "loosen up" solid metals by turning them into a water soluble salt form more readily excreted by the body in urine and sweat. Iodine in the thyroid also kills germs in the blood and is a potent germicide.
The local government of Flint ignored environmental chemistry warnings and ran corrosive water through lead pipes and lead poisoned their citizens via municipal water creating an national scandal in late 2015. This is just one example of where iodine can help as it facilitates the body's release of lead an other toxic heavy metals. If you or your town is suffering from toxic metals or fluoride in your water, iMedDo can help, call us for discounts as steep as 50% on NeuIodine™ for afflicted areas. Currently we are involved with non-profit Rise Beyond Dreams for distribution in Flint, Michigan to help people recover from municipal water toxic metal lead poisoning. Point of Contact Dennis Kolb at for donations. If you are looking for quality water filtration systems and quality probiotics, iMedDo recommends Winston Kao's products at
Iodine literature talks about how iodine will detox the halogens (fluorine/fluoride, chlorine/chloride, bromine/bromide) within the first day. That is an extreme understatement as I've seen iodine detox in a matter of 10 minutes. Here is an anecdotal story which is very illustrative of how iodine detox works. My friend's wife has 7 children, and was severely iodine deficient. Many women get very iodine deficient after having children and most do not fully replenish between kids as they lose a lot of iodine through their breast milk given to the infant. She tried 1 drop of NeuIodine™ on her wrist. Within 5 minutes she said she felt slightly nauseous, within 10 minutes she said she had to pee and she reported that her pee appeared cloudy, and within 15 minutes she said she felt fine, even better than before. Here is my take on what happened: within 5 minutes of taking fat soluble iodine (I2) on her skin, her body recognized the iodine was there, shuttled it where it needed to go, converted it from fat soluble to water soluble form Iodide (I-) and then flushed poisonous fluoride (F-) and bromide (Br-) out of her body within 10 minutes! Amazing! The cloudy urine she reported was most likely from fluoride and bromide salt crystals and possibly other toxins being detoxed as well. Seriously, if you are toxic with halogens and you get some iodine, your body doesn't mess around it kicks that stuff out ASAP! I really cannot explain as a scientist how it does it so fast, except to say that there are likely a slew of iodine receptors and transporters in the body most of which are likely not discovered yet. Iodo-lipids (iodine complexed to fat) are an interesting research area to me, but suffice it to say the body can transport iodine fast likely both fat and water soluble forms in likely every cell of the human body! Most people just feel more awake and better with 1 drop of iodine, but if you are severely deficient, such a mild detox reaction is normal and is a good thing. Knowledge is power and in this case knowledge of iodine is the power to drastically support your health!
I believe that the body only needs the fat soluble form of iodine as it can readily make the water soluble form at will. That's why I bottle NeuIodine™ in alcohol and have you put it directly on your skin. The iodine jumps into the "fat" of your skin and is then shuttled by your body to where to where it needs to go and converted into whatever form your body wants. My belief is different from what is commonly believed by most mainstream practitioners and nutritionists who generally think your body needs a mixture of fat soluble iodine and water soluble iodide, or from some who just think that taking iodide is sufficient for your body's iodine needs which I think is false. One highly concentrated and well known iodine tincture is called Lugol's solution which is a mixture of both iodine (fat soluble) and iodide (water soluble) in water. Because it has been around since the 1820's, many doctors are familiar with it but they don't understand that just because our grandfather's bottled iodine incorrectly doesn't mean that we have to continue to do so in modern times. The problem is that the fat soluble iodine does not want to be in water. In fact, it won't dissolve in water at all, a problem which is overcome by adding pottasium iodide to it which can force iodine solubility in water and is likely the main motivation for why many historically used iodine supplements were a mixture of both iodine and iodide. However, when you put iodine in water it changes the chemistry of it where it can form many different oxidation states (periodiates) whose utilitly by the body is unknown and likely greatly diminished. Many people have good iodine supplements (fat soluble form only), but the directions are bad telling them to put a drop in a glass of water! Worse yet, oftentimes directions tell people to swish in their mouth which is a bad idea if you have metal fillings! If you ever see literature about iodine being safe to put in your water or eyes, that is incorrect unless it is talking about iodide (clear potassium iodide crystals, i.e. KI or K+ I- ) which is the water soluble form. I make it clear on the label, do not put NeuIodine™ in your mouth if you have metal fillings or in your eyes! Please don't put my high quality fat soluble iodine in water, just do as directions say and put a drop on your skin. If you like to use essential oils, put the iodine on a part of your skin where there is not already an oil as the oil can prevent the iodine from absorbing into your skin well as the hydrophobic oil will compete with your skin for the fat soluble lipophilic (lipid/fat loving) iodine. Make sense? If you are fascinated by really understanding how scientists measure hydrophobicity/lipophilicity check out my environmental science work on Kow (octanol water partition coefficient) which is the parameter used in environmental science to measure chemical lipophilicity and bioavailability and my iodine papers also available to view by connecting with me on Linkedin on my CV. I am very grateful for my interdisciplinary training in environmental science in environmental ecotoxicology and pharmacology and my time working as a contractor for the US Army Corps of Engineers thanks in large part to my mentor Dr. David Johnson. A take home message is that there truly is a spectrum of lipophilicity and there is an intermediate range in the body which is necessary for things to cross membranes effectively. There is a whole world of fat and membrane shuttling of iodine in the body awaiting to be discovered, but don't wait until then to get some, your body wants iodine now!
It is generally acknowledged by scientists that the government recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iodine is too low, however it's the best place to start your detox. Also even 1 drop a day is enough for minimum thyroid function. Always only start with 1 drop and do that for about 1 week before increasing the dosage of iodine. For children, 1 drop a day is okay, for adult men I would ramp up to 2 drops per day, and for women over a course of a month I would ramp up to 3-4 drops a day. Infants do not need iodine if they are nursing as the mother should supplement and pass the iodine naturally to the baby through the breast milk. It may be reasonable for a nursing mother to ramp up to as much as 6 drops a day (government RDA for nursing woman is higher as well) but only if she is reasonably detoxed before having become pregnant as it is not recommended to overdo a detox while nursing as those excreted heavy metals, fluorides and bromides can be passed to the baby. I recommend the patch test especially for nursing mothers as you can monitor a rough estimate of how much iodine you need by monitoring how long the iodine takes to absorb on your skin, if it takes an hour or more to absorb you have plenty, if it absorbs instantly or in 15 min or less you body really wants more, but ramp up your dosage slowly moving up 1 drop extra per day each week of supplementation until you find your iodine homeostasis. I think there is a lot of bad advice out there on the internet about starting with massive doses of iodine which result in detox symptoms such as nausea, headache or acne which could readily be avoided by starting slow. Do not put iodine in mouth if you have metal fillings as the iodine can detox the mercury amalgam from the fillings into the body. Unlike NeuSilver™ which is safe for eye infection use, iMedDo's iodine cannot be used in the eye and can result in serious injury if you put iodine/alcohol in your eyeball so don't do it, read those warnings on the bottle please, they are important."
NeuIodine is energized elemental iodine and there is an equilibrium with a small amount of nascent iodine in there as well. Nascent iodine, I0, is a neutrally charged, monoatomic, free radical form of elemental iodine and is what you see if you look right at iodine on the periodic table. Nascent iodine likely serves as a catalyst for breaking down I2 into more nascent iodine in the body, and is likely destroyed when you put it in water. Keep your nascent iodine out of water. I can't emphasize enough that you are likely loosing a lot of the health benefits unnecessarily if you take it that way! There is a pathway in the thyroid where nascent iodine is formed as an intermediate for making organified iodine in thyroid hormones. The thyroid can make this intermediate easily and spontaneously from breaking down diatomic fat soluble iodine into monoatomic nascent iodine, or it can work harder to make it from iodide the water soluble form where it has to strip away an electron. Energized I2 is more readily converted to nascent iodine (I0, a free radical form) on it's way to being oxidized to become organified iodine bound to carbon in the thyroid (I+ i.e. CI) or can be reduced to form iodide (I-) the water soluble form which is used by the body as well and is transported around across membranes and can also be stored in thyroid or can detox fluoride (F-) and bromide (B-). If you look right at the periodic table, the monoatomic iodine you see there is I0 which is neutrally charged but has a free electron and is considered a free radical or "nascent" iodine.
Nascent iodine doesn't typically exist in nature instead, two of these molecules like to get together so that each of their electrons are paired up forming diatomic iodine I2 which can exist in solid, liquid or gas form. Diatomic iodine is often referred to as elemental iodine since it is what exists in nature, but this has been a source of confusion to many a chemist as nascent iodine is actually the true elemental iodine seen on the periodic table. The solid form of elemental iodine looks like a dark purple almost black shiny metallic moon rock. When I was in high school, you saw this form when hiking for water purification, but you won't see it anymore as it is now controlled substance no thanks to meth abusers who use it as an oxidizing agent for making meth! The liquid form of elemental iodine is relevant to health supplements is fat soluble, and it is a yellow-brown-redish color depending on concentration. The gas form of elemental iodine is purple-violet in color which was the first form discovered hence why the work iodine comes from the greek word iodes meaning violet. NeuIodine™ contains predominantly diatomic elemental iodine dissolved in an alcohol solvent and appears yellow-brownish in color.
Iodide is the JOKER of health supplements because it has been implicated in causing heart palpitations if you take too much of it, and is considered an inferior form of iodine to fat soluble iodine. However, iodide is important in small amounts in the body and it doesn't hurt to get a little bit in your iodized salt and multi-vitamin. Don't be fooled, when your multi-vitamin says it has iodine in it, it is talking about iodide (potassium iodide crystals) not the more health beneficial fat soluble iodine. The interchangeable use of the word "iodine" in the literature talking about the not so interchangeable fat and water soluble forms of iodine has long confused health care practitioners so it is easy to read bad or misinterpreted advice about iodine unless you know which form is being talked about.
Iodide typically exists as KI (K+ I- i.e. potassium iodide) which forms a clear crystal in solid state or is very water soluble is clear in liquid as well. Iodide is clear since it lacks the diatomic bond which gives color to elemental iodine. I believe that supplementing with iodide is unnecessary if you are supplementing with fat soluble iodine, but most health care practitioners still believe that you need to supplement with both forms, a misconception that I hope to help clear up. Iodide was introduced into the salt supply (iodized salt) to prevent goiter and the small amount you get in your salt or multi-vitamin is likely plenty for your diet and no additional supplementation of iodide is needed as instead you need the fat soluble form of iodine I2 instead. Your body readily makes I- from I2 so if you supplement with NeuIodine™, no iodide supplementation is believed to be needed, but since this view is not shared by all mainstream doctors be sure to consult with them before adding an supplement (either KI or I2 to your diet). Amazing the human body can in fact make I2 from I- when everything is working properly but many people who have thyroid problems already seem to stop responding to I- and only respond to I2. Still getting KI in your diet is better than no iodine and if you can try to eat bread with potassium iodide in it instead of bromine a poison put in most breads nowadays! If you are currently taking an iodine supplement and it is in a tablet or liquid form that looks clear you can be sure that it is actually iodide not the fat soluble iodine I2 that your body prefers and you may benefit greatly from switching to or adding NeuIodine™ to your supplement regimen.
Most of the dark color of iodine health supplements comes from the diatomic bond of I2 elemental iodine which can be used to measure its concentration using a technique called absorbance spectroscopy or colorimetry. Part of iMedDo's quality control for NeuIodine™ involves simple digital colorimetry using an iphone! However, I'm a spectroscopy expert and if you want to see some of the fancy absorbance spectroscopy work I've done on iodine in the past check out my paper which can be viewed on my Linkedin CV. One form of iodine many people are interested in is "Psychic" iodine which is energized using a 30 amp electrical current in a fashion described by famous psychic Edgar Cayce and proposed as having a superior health benefit to normal iodine. Because of my spectroscopy expertise, I was hired to test this hypothesis and sure enough I was able to show that energized iodine does absorb less energy than non-energized iodine which means that iodine does have an interesting electrical property of being able to store energy! Most of what is known about iodine energy levels is from analysis of iodine gas (violet I2) and iodine in solution is much more complicated as the solvent smears out the energy levels. However, it is interesting that it is known that the gas at least has two different energy pathways to break apart I2 into nascent iodine and thus theoretically there are at least two distinct forms of nascent iodine one more energetically excited than the other. Like this same kind of crazy energy transfer is happening in the body and iodine in its different forms and energy levels probably does all sorts of amazing things in the body potentially acting as a battery, capacitor, and conductor at the very least. One of my life career goals is to promote iodine electrical and brain research. According to my Neuroscience mentor Dr. Neal Waxham, he is not aware of anyone in mainstream Neuroscience currently researching iodine, which I think is an utter travesty! If I've gotta sell enough iodine health supplements to fund my own research then so be it! I asked a Dr. Francis Hill, a famous computational chemist for the Army Corps of Engineers about how much it would cost to answer some of the basic questions I had about iodine species solubility calculations in water and lipids and she quoted $400,000 as a STARTING figure because of the high number of electrons and complexity of iodine! Ouch! NeuIodine™ is energized iodine and is as "psychic" or better than anything else touted as that on the market, so don't be fooled by iodine supplement manufacturers who just stick the word "nascent" on their bottle as a marketing buzzword to increase sales with no understanding of the chemistry meaning of it.
The thyroid is the primary iodine "gas tank" for males. When your tank is full you have more energy and you likely avoid thyroid and other toxicity problems. Turns out women actually have 3 iodine "gas tanks": thyroid, breasts and ovaries. In women it is actually the ovaries which are the primary iodine "gas tank" whereas in males is the thyroid.If even one of your iodine "gas tanks" is removed (thyroidectomy (thyroid), historectomy (ovaries), masectomy (breast)), you will need to supplement your diet with iodine as your body is "running near empty".
When you supplement with fat soluble iodine, it can readily be transported through membranes in the body and can be broken down into two molecules of nascent iodine which can then gain an electron each to form iodide the water soluble form of iodine which is used to flush out bad halogens from the blood and urine. There are regions of the body which are clearly fat/lipid/membrane solvent, and regions which are clearly water/blood/urine solvent, but there are also regions which are in between! One well known area is the thyroid called the thyroid "colloid" which a hybrid regions where both fat and water soluble forms of iodine can co-exist and where the intermediate nascent iodine form can be readily used as well.
Whereas the elemental fat soluble form of iodine can get in your skin, fat, membranes, cross blood brain barrier and get all over, the water soluble form iodide will predominantly be in the "water" of your body such as in blood and urine. The body prefers the fat soluble form of iodine and it can readily convert it to two molecules of nascent then each gain an electron to form iodide I- to flush fluoride/bromide/chloride (F-,Br-,Cl-) out of the blood and urine. Iodide can also be stripped of an electron to form nascent iodine intermediate on its way to being used for other pathways. The body desperately wants and prefers the fat soluble form of iodine and has to work harder to make it from I- if you only get iodine in the form of iodide. Likely every cell in the body has a pathway to make I2 from I- which it can pick up on the blood, but also conversely I suspect every cell also has a pathway to make I- from I2 if it got I2 to start with. The reason is that it is easier to make nascent iodine I0 the intermediate to organified iodine I+ from I2 than it is from I-. There is one known place in the body where this is known to occur which is in the thyroid which takes in iodine in any form it can get it I2 or I- into a special compartment (thyroid colloid) which is in between being either water or fat soluble where the body loads organified iodine into thyroid hormones which have 1-4 iodine molecules apiece and then it ships those hormones out back into the bloodstream to go all over the body. It seems like the thyroid is a major iodine shipping and receiving facility of the body!
When your thyroid doesn't get enough iodine bad things can happen, and most people are walking around with less energy, less intelligence, less awake and more toxic than they need to be oftentimes with weight, blood pressure, skin, infection, low immune system and even potentially thyroid and other cancers all for the lack of iodine. The mainstream doctor to see about thyroid problems is called an Endocrinologist and if you think you have a thyroid problem go see one for medical advice. As an alternative medicine doctor of supplemental medicine, I do not intend to replace your mainstream doctor but I hope you find this information and differing perspective fruitful for your health journey. Although I have a great respect for the idea of mainstream medicine, unfortunately it appears to be failing most people, and I have not respect for the practice of what I call "anti-medicine" which is current vogue of mainstream doctors injuring patients in violation of the hippocratic oath at the behest of insurance companies, hospital administrators, and lawyers when it is profitable. It seems that the profit of injuring everyone's thyroid is simply too irresistible for mainstream medicine and even our government arguably controlled by their corporate interests. Here in Texas where I live, there is currently a "war against iodine" going on where cities are trying to keep farmers from getting raw milk (containing vital iodine nutrient) to people and babies who need it the most especially in our capital Austin, so very sad. The mainstream approach typically consists of thyroid drugs instead of iodine which eventually suppress and kill they thyroid, followed by thyroid removal surgery (thyroidectomy) followed by lifelong and expensive (profitable to them) thyroid replacement drugs. I recently met a woman who told me that she had been having thyroid problems for 30 years and that her endocrinologist never once mentioned to her to try iodine nutrient supplementation which is very sad. If you have a thyroid problem and your mainstream doctor isn't willing to at least talk to you about iodine nutrient for your thyroid before trying to put you on a path straight towards thyroid removal then you are undoubtedly getting bad medical advice and may want to consider getting a second opinion and seek alternative medicine information. Providing you with this information is my forte as a DSM (doctor of supplemental medicine) as at the very least I want to supplement the bad medical advice you are likely getting from mainstream medicine with the knowledge that alternative information is available with the hope that you will be able to make a more informed decision concerning your health which will result in you saving your health, wealth, time and fortune for the ones you love. When you have the health supplement mindset, the potential alternative is to instead simply make sure you supplement your diet with iodine the critical endocrine mineral nutrient, and many times the thyroid will simply start working again and thyroid problems just go away or cease to exist. Even if you already have had your thyroid removed, iodine supplementation is even more important as it is used by the rest of your body as well not just your thyroid, and without your thyroid (iodine gas tank) you are always running near empty on this important nutrient. As time progresses if you do not fix the deficiency it can lead to a progressively downward cycle of accelerated aging as you thyroid and the rest of your body which also needs iodine progressively ceases to function starting with thyroid failure and ending in nerve and brain failure (arthritis, parkinson's disease). But don't focus on the negative focus on the solutions. Many thyroid and other problems are simply caused by a nutrient deficiency (iodine), a metal toxicity (from lack of iodine), and the nerve and brain problems likewise can sometimes simply cease to exist when the toxins are flushed out (NeuIodine™ and NeuGold™), and infection problems likewise frequently cease to exist with the NeuSilver™.
The word "hypo" is the greek work for "low" and simply means that your thyroid is not working optimally. Quite simply fluoride and other halogens (bromine, chlorine) that we are exposed to in America suppress they thyroid and so of course it is underperforming. If you want your thyroid to work, then not only do you likely need to have iodine around in your body to detox the halogens, but you need extra iodine around for making the thyroid hormones as well. In fact the two most important thyroid hormones T3 (tri-iodo-thyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) require 3 (T3) or 4 (T4) atoms of iodine per molecule! Obviously if you don't have enough iodine available how can your body possibly make enough of these hormones and it is no wonder if you hare hypthyroid (low thyroid hormone output from the thyroid) as you have low hormone levels from a simple mineral deficiency in iodine! Many people can just feel that something is not quite right when they start to get hypothyroidism starting oftentimes with low energy and weight gain. Many people are even told by their mainstream medicine doctor that they are fine even when their thyroid levels are actually up to 4x too low (because the accepted "normal" for the test is ~2x to low for men and ~4x too low for women). We here at iMedDo only sell NeuIodine(tm) as a supplement, but many customers have reported great success self-medicating for hypothyroidism. Talk to your endocrinologist about using NeuIodine™ as unless they are giving you bad advice will likely recommend you take it or at least recommend you take some inferior iodine health supplement. If you or your endocrinologist would like to know why NeuIodine™ is superior to a particular other iodine supplement then please contact me Dr. A Ben Goins MS DSM at [email protected] and I'll be happy to explain. If you mainstream doctor is any good they will likely have you take NeuIodine™ along with your other thyroid medication, periodically test your levels, and be able to actually see your levels return to back to normal over time (within 3-6 months) and then be able to first dial down and then likely remove you completely from your medication. Of course the appeal of anti-medicine and profit is too great for many of them so if you get your tests done and your levels have returned to normal and your mainstream doctor refuses or is reluctant to take you off the meds because they don't want to lose the revenue from your highly profitable drug usage then that may be a sure sign your doctor is practicing anti-medicine. If your doctor can't explain to you why they want you to continue taking thyroid drugs after your thyroid tests come back normal then do your self a favor, get the HEALTH SUPPLEMENT mindset and fire that doc, get a second opinion, and consider taking responsibility for your health and taking yourself off the drugs. I personally believe that I have the ultimate right to self-medicate and decide what I put in my mouth and that said rights are self-evident, un-alienable, and I proclaim them proudly as a pro se medical practitioner. What do you believe? You now have the information that iodine and NeuIodine™ in particular can likely save your thyroid, what you do with this knowlege is up to you.
Hashimoto's disease is named after a Japanese doctor Hashimoto and refers to a thyroid immune problem. My hypothesis is that Hashimoto's disease is simply a slightly more advance form of hypothyroidism and everything written above concerning hypothyroidism applies. Because of this, I believe anyone with Hashimoto's disease would benefit greatly from supplementation with NeuIodine™. Likely what is happening is that your thyroid is underperforming because of fluoride suppressing it but because the body is in need of those hormones it is sending the thyroid mixed signals telling it to make more thyroid hormones at any cost. The thyroid tries to make more hormones but there is not enough iodine around to make them correctly and instead it likely makes thyroid hormones that are defective likely with other halogens substituted for the iodine atoms in (T1-T4). The body's immune system recognizes that the hormones being made are incorrect and has no choice but to have an immune response against them and the thyroid cells making them wrong. If my hypothesis is correct then simply taking the correct form of iodine (NeuIodine™) should just like in hypothyroidism de-suppress the thyroid by first removing the halogens and then allowing the thyroid to make correct halogen free iodine hormones after which the body's immune response should die down. Ask your doctor about supplementing with NeuIodine while taking hormone replacements for Hashimoto's. Unless your doctor is practicing anti-medicine she/he may be open to monitoring you and helping you wean yourself off the thyroid drugs as your levels return to normal with iodine supplementation.
Hyper is the greek word meaing "high", so hyperthyroidism is refering to when your thyroid is "over" working and making too many thyroid hormones (high levels of T3 an T4 detected). It is generally assumed that because T3/T4 is high that iodine levels must also be high but I think this is incorrect and that it is possible to get "high" T3/T4 even when you are in fact LOW in at least a form of iodine. This is different from what you wil hear in mainstream medicine so research carefully. A prevalent form of hyperthyroidism is called Grave's disease which like Hashimoto's has an immune response against the thyroid. Traditionally it was and still is believed in mainstream medicine that a cause of too much thyroid hormones is that you have TOO MUCH iodine and commonly accepted medical advice is to not take iodine supplements. BUT I THINK THEY ARE ALL WRONG! In fact I think it is just the opposite. Firstly, no-one in this country really has the luxury of having enough iodine to begin with, if they did they wouldn't be having a thyroid problem most likely, especially when it is estimated that 98% of Americans are at least somewhat deficient in iodine! So who exactly are these people who have TOO MUCH iodine?
If they existed they would be a small subset of <2% of the people who get enough iodine who were actually getting to much. There are way to many people with hyperthyroidism to be from getting too much iodine which means it must be something else. Secondly, when you look at most of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism they are very similar to symptoms of hypothyroidism or at least not incositent with LOW IODINE and low iodine toxicity effects. Goiter (consistent with iodine deficiency or infection), Immune Response component (like Hashimotos which I also think is a form of hypothyrodism), Fatigue or Muscle Weakness (also a symptom of low iodine), Rapid Heart Beat (too much iodide the wrong form of iodine and not enough of I2 the fat soluble iodine), Hand Tremors (nervous problems from low iodine induced toxicity possibly copper, lead or cadmium heavy metals in the nerves), Mood Swings/Nervousnes/Anxiety (Nervous problem consistent with low iodine related nerve toxicity), Light or Skipping Periods (consistent with low iodine in the ovaries the primary iodine gas tank in women), Skin Dryness & Excess Sweating (consistent with toxic metals in the skin trying to be detoxed but can't because of low iodine perhaps?), Trouble Sleeping (consistent with Magnesium metal imbalance possibly regulated by iodine and unregulated correctly from low iodine?), Increased frequency of bowel movements (possibly consistent with infection or need for detox i.e. low iodine?). The symptom of weight loss although consistent with high T3/T4 levels, is possible I'm sure even if your iodine levels were low! Perhaps the body is trying to increase metabolism to try to get rid of toxins not because it has too much iodine. Thirdly, when you look at WHEN people are getting hyperthyroidism it is during periods of viral infection (consistent with low iodine), surrounding pregnancy (consistent with low iodine). In Graves disease in particular it seems to be that their body is getting hyperthyroidism by making too much thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI) in response to an infection (bacterial or viral). Partial Truth: Hyperthyrodism is caused by too much iodine. I think that it is true that in some cases especially if you are experiencing heart palpitations that you are getting too much of the wrong form of iodine (iodide), but I think is equally as likely that you are not getting enough of the preferred form (fat soluble iodine I2) and it might actually be this LOW IODINE causing the problem in the first place!. It is at least possible that hyperthyroidism is just a myth spread to facilitate the iodine conspiracy and the practice of anti-medicine. Maybe, I'm wrong but you should at least be able to discuss this issue with your doctor. Yes it's easy to measure T3/T4 and see they are high but that does not mean you have too much iodine. Perhaps the problem is that many doctors use the terms iodine synonymously with antiquated iodine tinctures which contain iodide and perhaps they are not aware that is possible to get iodine supplements which DO NOT CONTAIN IODIDE such as NeuIodine™. In reality though, I don't really know anyone who has hyperthyroidism because mainstream medicine is so darn good at killing your thyroid is doubtful you will ever have that problem for long. Most people I meet may have had hyperthyroidism but then after a little mainstream medication or fluoride to suppress that thyroid they then have hypothyroidism instead after which case NeuIodine™ is universally accepted as being beneficial under the logic that low iodine related to low thyroid function. However, it is clear from looking at hyperthyroidism, that perhaps not all thyroid ups and downs are even related to iodine so much as to infection. Typically all the blood in your body filters through the thyroid every two hours and it helps kill infection. What if a bacteria or virus overruns your thyroid and thus you are having an auto-immune response to the thyroid BECAUSE your body is trying to kill an infection in the thyroid which is perhaps going on with the majority of hyperthyroidism with Grave's disease. Taking more fat soluble iodine (not iodide) might help as is germicidal and can absorb into the thyroid colloid without the need of a transporter from the blood, but also having some colloidal silver (known germicidal) would perhaps help as well! What if hypothyroidism in most cases is simply a chronic infection of the thyroid then good news, there are many things you can try that your mainstream doctor many not have given you information on the foremost of which is food grade colloidal silver NeuSilver™. Conclusion: iMeDo recommends you talk to your doctor concerning adding NeuIodine™ to your diet whether you have hypo or hyperthyroidism, but for hyperthyroidism which is possibly from an infection, also consider adding NeuSilver™ (to help with the infection), and NeuGold™ (to help with the nerve problems).
In the future many of these thyroid problems should be renamed Hypo-Iodinism for "low iodine" and alternative doctors of today and mainstream doctors of the future will instead focus first and foremost on iodine deficiency and infection rather than pushing drugs and thyroid removal.
I consider this an advanced form or thyroid problems likely caused by Hypo-Iodinism. If was me, I would try NeuIodine™ and NeuSilver™ as well as some selenium and other good nutrition and probiotics to see whether the body can correct the problem naturally through nutritional supplementation.
Enlarged thyroid. Likely cause by low iodine and/or iodide and in some cases infection. Low doses of iodide in salt and multi-vitamin and/or breads containing KI usually enough to prevent goiter in America. Goiter related to hyperthyroidism could be infection or low iodine related. If was me, I would try NeuIodine™ and NeuSilver™ as well as some selenium and other good nutrition and probiotics to see whether the body can correct the problem naturally through nutritional supplementation.
The thyroid needs lots of iodine and a little selenium metal (a good metal not a heavy metal) to function properly. Make sure there is some selenium in your multi-vitamin if you have thyroid problems. Like iodine you can also find selenium in sea vegetables.
I'm not aware of any interaction with NeuIodine™ with any medications but am legally required to tell you to consult with your licensed primary doctor before adding supplements to your diet especially if you are on other medications. Customers frequently report self-medicating with NeuIodine™ with no problem with their current thyroid medication [thyroxine and armor thyroid].
The female breast is also known to prefer I2 but can also take in I- to make I2 to ship into the milk fat for baby health. Iodine shipping and receiving is one of the main functions of the female breast which is no wonder why iodine deficiency can lead to many breast problems including masses and even breast cancer and why iodine is so important for breast cancer treatment and prevention (considered a drug if used for this). It is very likely that the correlation between women being 4x more deficient in iodine, and 4x more at risk for many types of cancer is real and that iodine in a very real way prevents cancer! To read my iodine paper on iodine in milk which was invited to the Journal of Breast Cancer Prevention, go to Iodine is critical for infant health as the female body pumps it into breast milk and is likely the major reason why breast fed babies are more intelligent and have less than health problem than their formula counterparts.
Because iodine is so critical for reproductive function for women (breast and ovary function) in addition to all the same thyroid related functions also in males, iodine is sometimes considered a "female" or woman's nutrient but is actually needed by all people and is used by every cell of the body not just the iodine "gas tanks".
Many people have heard of iodine being useful for radiation protection as the US army used to give (and may still give?) potassium iodide salt pills to soldiers for that purpose. I believe fat soluble iodine is even better as it can detox in ways iodide can't but can also be readily converted to iodide as well when your body wants it in the blood and urine. Clearly, if you saturated your body with normal iodine, then you would not absorb as much radioactive iodine so definitely would protect the thyroid and other cells from that. However, because iodine is involved with thyroid pathways detoxing all heavy metals, it can also help detox radioactive metals and metalloids and will undoubtedly help with radiation protection as well as should help your body recover and heal somewhat after radiation exposure. When I have time I'll expand this section to include references and more info concerning usage of iodine for radiation protection. One big cause of concern in recent times sparking a renewed interest in iodine supplementation was the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant leak into the Pacific Ocean. It's gotten so bad that many people are afraid to get their iodine from Pacific sources as they are worried about radioactive trace minerals and accidentally getting radioactive iodine in their sea vegetables! Don't worry NeuIodine™ doesn't come from the Pacific ocean and is safe. Although iodine sourcing is a trade secret, I can say that iMedDo gets its iodine as it must from a source with a DEA license at legally allowed concentration and they get theirs from a source which gets their iodine from a resublimated deep earth source. NeuIodine™ does not contain radioactive iodine, and is highly desirous for radiation protection hence the shield on the NeuIodine™ logo! iMedDo NeuIodine™ stands for health support and protection including radiation protection! I have a degrees in Biophysics and Medical Dosimetry from University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, and thus I am highly trained in radiation dosing and protection, and I consider myself to be a Medical Biophysicist which is a separate field but sometimes viewed from the outside as a subfield of Medical Physics. I have a great deal of respect for radiation workers in medicine including radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, medical physicists, nuclear medicine experts, health physicists, radio-pharmacists and many more, but I find that the mainstream medicine usage of radiation is ignorant of basic health and nutrition principles, the foremost of which is the use of normal (not radioactive) iodine. If you are still stuck in the old cut and burn paradigm, thankyou for reading this guide, and I hope that iodine nutrition will give you some food for thought and improving your respective field of medicine through advancing your health journey towards enlightenment.
Iodine predominantly comes from the ocean; however, many people are understandably reluctant to eat sea vegetables from the Pacific Ocean especially because of fear over the Japanese Fukushima reactor leak which has contaminated much of the sea with radioactive isotopes of a variety of elements. NeuIodine™ does not come from Pacific ocean source, and comes instead from a resublimated deep mining source. If you have friends and family in places like California, bordering the Pacific ocean, please help me spread the word about using NeuIodine™ as soon as possible for health support and radiation protection.
After taking NeuIodine™ for 6 months, and obtaining a full detox of heavy metals out of the skin, it is expected that the skin will come back noticeably more youthful than before. Many have reported such effect with iodine in general and since NeuIodine™ is the highest quality and most correctly bottled form of iodine, such effect is expected to occur sooner with NeuIodine™ than other products, but more research and customer feedback is needed to confirm. If you notice an increase in skin beauty after using NeuIodine™, please share your experience and rate iMedDo on Facebook @iMedDoHealth under Health/Beauty.
It has been my experience that over 50% of the people using an iodine supplement already are doing so incorrectly. The most frequent problem is that people are putting iodine in their mouth when they have metal fillings and are poisoning themselves more from detoxing their mercury amalgam faster than they are detoxing mercury with their iodine. Bottles don't typically warn of this and many if not all other iodine manufactures either don't know or dont' want to admit that they are injuring people by not correctly warning them on the bottle. Some supplements would be good but the way they tell you to use them is wrong, and frequently I see recommendations of putting fat soluble iodine in water which changes its chemistry and reduces its effectiveness. If you are wondering why your mainstream doctors keep telling you that you are iodine deficient, but the iodine they give you doesn't seem to be working, iMedDo can help. Iodine chemistry is confusing but I've made NeuIodine™ simple to use and with a simple understanding of fat vs. water solubility you can drastically improve your health support with iodine. I can do 3 way calls, and I would love to educate your physician or nutritionist and other health care providers on the forms of iodine and can explain how and why NeuIodine™ is better, or you can just try it and find out for yourself. Beware of physicians who overdose you on iodine which can result in easily avoidable detox reactions, typically they don't know but some are starting to learn thanks to iMedDo how to properly iodine detox.
If you are not using iodine because you think you are allergic, please reconsider, you are harming your health. YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC TO IODINE! It's not possible or you would be dead as your body if full of iodine receptors in every cell of the body! What I find is that people who think they are allergic to iodine fall into one of two categories, either it is a detox allergy mostly from mercury and other heavy metals coming out or is an allergy to non-normal radioactive iodine used in hospital imaging. Do not fall for the myth that you should not take iodine because you are allergic to it. That is a sign that you need it even more, but you have to detox slowly. If you experiencing detox reactions such as headache, nausea, or acne from you current iodine supplement, please consider using the NeuIodine™ detox system instead where you use the NeuSilver™ and NeuGold™ along with it to reduce/remove detox effects.
It is necessary to flush out the radioactive iodine with normal iodine after imaging. It's very sad that typically thyroid problems are from iodine deficiency but when you go to a hospital to image your thyroid they fill it with radioactive iodine which makes the problem even worse as the radioactive form will sit there irradiating it indefinitely unless you take regular iodine to flush it out. Unfortunately mainstream physicians such as radiation oncologists and their team of medical physicists and medical dosimetrists and therapists can no doubt image you but perhaps don't think about the damage their imaging molecules (radioactive iodine, radioactive barium, radioactive strontium and others) cause in the body if not detoxed afterwards. I have a great deal of respect for the "imaging physicists" who are in the field of "medical physics" who assist physicians in imaging with radioactive iodine, but as an alterative medicine doctor myself trained in "medical biophysics", I will continue to criticize them until they learn the importance of impressing on the patient the need to DETOX the radioactive iodine after imaging as they are causing more harm than help if imaging radioactive iodine is used without a detox protocol. If you are medical physicist reading this please tell your physician about the need to use NeuIodine™ to detox after radioactive iodine imaging or therapy and about the iMedDo Inc NeuIodine™ detox system where you use NeuSilver™ and NeuGold™ along with it to reduce or elimate detox reactions. For the victim of radioactive iodine imaging not advised of the need for a detox, don't be tricked into thinking that just because you are allergic to radioactive iodine that you are allergic to normal iodine, in fact you need it desperately and if you don't get it the radioactive iodine will sit in the iodine receptors irradiating your body which could lead to unnecessary cancer. Yes you are undoubtedly allergic to radioactive iodine, but you need to take normal iodine slowly to flush it out. As long as your body is iodine deficient it will undoubtedly cling to any form of iodine present even the radioactive form but please do yourself a favor and take normal iodine to flush it out even it makes you sick on the way out better to tough through it. I am not aware of any better, safer or more effective radioactive iodine detox protocol than using iMedDo Inc detox system with NeuIodine™, NeuSilver™ and NeuGold™ used in tandem where you can replenish and detox while the silver and gold help you safely suppress the detox reactions.
It is necessary to take a low dose of iodine at first and then to detox slowly as your body can have an allergic reaction to the toxic heavy metals which will start to flush out as well as in the initial stages of detox to the halogens being excreted. It takes men 2 weeks and women a full month to get to their full dosage of NeuIodine™ which comes with a slow increase protocol which really sets it apart from the competition which is largely overdosed with no ramping protocol. I believe that in most of the time, most of the allergy people are used to getting when using non-iMedDo iodine health supplements is typically an allergy to Mercury heavy metal as mercury amalgam dental fillings are widespread as is mercury toxicity in fish. Silver which is a conductive noble metal (not a heavy metal) seems to directly counteract non-conductive mercury in the body. Although I've never gotten one to admit it, I think that dentists have known this secret for a long time which is why they mix the toxic mercury amalgam filling with silver. Although silver seems to counteract mercury for a while, the mercury over time will build up and reach a critical mass when you are iodine deficient as the body can't detox the mercury. What is really great and special about the iMedDo NeuIodine™ detox system is that when you use the high quality food grade true colloidal silver NeuSilver™ at the same time as you flush out the Mercury, that it really helps to suppresses the negative effects of the mercury (allergy to it, suppressed immune system, acne). Just like how the silver in your dental fillings helps suppress the bad effects from the mercury in your fillings, the idea is to take NeuSilver™ along with the NeuIodine™ to avoid heavy metal allergies and detox reactions as you get your iodine stores replenished and flush the bad metals out. In the same way the idea is to take NeuGold™ along with the NeuIodine™ as it can help remove or oftentimes eliminate completely headaches and nausea that would in the old days accompany detoxing with iodine. Help me educate your primary physician on using a lower dose of iodine, starting low, then slowly ramping up, instead of using an overdose of iodine and detoxing too fast as is currently the norm in mainstream medicine.
In the old days or when using non-iMedDo supplements, the most common side effect of using iodine was acne as the body would flush out heavy metals too fast out of the skin. When using the iMedDo NeuIodine™ detox system is unlikely you will get acne unless you ramp up your dosage too fast or unless you are very toxic and need to ramp up your iodine dosage even more slowly than the built in protocol (1 drop increase per week to your target dosage (2 for men, 4 for women)). If you do get acne simply stay at you lower dosage an extra week before ramping up and use the colloidal silver NeuSilver™ to control it. Simply put a drop in a cup of water and splash on face as needed; most customers report splashing silver water on face before bed results in clear skin in the morning!
Iodine and colloidal silver are both germicides with powerful antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer properties. Together they complement each other as they can cover each other's weaknesses and together are stronger than either alone. To give you an idea: iodine can't be used for germs in eye but silver can; silver doesn't get in the nerves to kill germs but iodine can, iodine is not safe for mouth if you have metal fillings, but silver is, iodine stimulates metal detox in ways silver can't and silver stimulates immune system in ways iodine can't but both stimulate the immune system).
Iodine is typically taken in the morning or afternoon not right before bed as it could keep you awake as it is known to make you feel more energetic. You can either take it all at once in morning to wake up like coffee, or divide your dosage up between morning and take the rest during the afternoon slump which is especially useful if you are at a job that doesn't allow you to take your siesta (afternoon nap). It is genetically programmed in the circadian rhythm of mammals to get sleepy in the afternoon, and iodine energy is useful for powering through the afternoon slump in my experience. If you are having trouble sleeping try magnesium oil.
The pineal gland, an anatomical feature near the human forehead inside the brain, is considered to be the home of the "3rd Eye" by Psychics, and iodine is highly prized for its ability to open up the 3rd eye and restore dreaming. When you get to much fluoride your pineal gland gets "calcified" and you lose the ability to dream. Most people who have even a drop of NeuIodine™ will dream that night even if they haven't dreamt in years. Although the use of iodine for dreaming may seem strange it is actually thousands of years old as evidenced at least by the Armenian cultural tradition of using iodine for dreaming before marriage. For the curious, it is my understanding that in Armenia the tradition for women to eat bread (with iodine in it) to decide between male suitors and whichever man brings her water is the correct one to marry! I'm fascinated by Armenia as they are the "people of the cross" and were the first country to convert to Christianity and have many very ancient cultures and traditions including the use of crosses, the motif now known as the star of david in judaism and many other ancient traditions and musical traditions which any person interested in the metaphysical uses of iodine should check out. Dreaming is very important to many religions including the famous dream of Constantine in Christianity, the dream of Pharoah in the Bible and likely in many other cultures and religions as well. If you can't dream or are a psychic or intuitive and want to increase your powers try some NeuIodine™!
The word "iodine" comes from the greek word meaning "violet". Iodine is metaphysically related to the planet Venus and the violet flame (violet ray) and is typically envisioned as being a white or violet light.
It is the transformative and healing light and overall iodine is liquid TRANSFORMATION and is thus associated with the Pheonix, scarab beetle, and golden "bennu" bird of ancient egypt which is also associated with the water of heaven (Milky way and sky goddess "Nut").
Iodine is metaphysically associated with the planet Venus, the morning star, Sirius, the Milky Way, and all of the concepts of motherhood and divine femininity. In keeping with its Venus connection, iodine is largely considered a "female" nutrient as it is so critical for female health (breast and ovary health in particular) but don't be scared off guys as you need it too for your adrenals and thyroid. Venus is considered to be related to the supreme goddess who is envisioned across many different cultures and religions (Mary (the mother ray), Aphrodite, Athena, Inanna, Ashera, Isis, Hathor, Neith et al.)
When the ancient Egyptians looked to the sky they saw the "Eyes" of the supreme Deity, the Sun (Right Eye/Gold) and the Moon (Left Eye/Silver). One of the eyes appeared to be winking (Moon) thus spawning stories of it being stolen and returned at various times (See stories about Seth stealing the eye of Horus for example). However, when the two eyes (Sun and Moon) are closed (not present), you can see with the 3rd Eye (can see the stars in the heavens). Each star was believed to be a separate deity all spawned and generated by the supreme goddess (Nut) the Milky way that stretched across the heavens. Iodine is the third eye and and is intimately connected to the other two eyes of heaven just as iMedDo health supplement NeuIodine™ is intimately connected to and used with NeuSilver™ and NeuGold™. The third eye is referenced in the Bible at Matthew 6:22 "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single [close your other two eyes and see with your third eye], thy whole body shall be full of light."
When you put a drop of NeuIodine™ on your skin, and get an aura photo, the typical response is to see the throat, third eye, and crown chakras light up!
DO NOT PUT NeuIodine™ in your eyes! *Note that some sources say that iodine can be used in the eyes and they are obviously talking about a different form (iodide). Avoid putting NeuIodine™ in your mouth if you have silver metal (mercury) fillings as you might end up leeching mercury into your body faster than you are detoxing mercury with the iodine. iMedDo is proud to be the ONLY iodine bottler that we are aware of at this time who bothers to put this warning on the bottle because we are the leader in iodine bottling and have the most correctly bottled product on the market, but all iodine will undoubtedly be required to put this warning on the bottle in the future following in our footsteps, and it is not even safe to use other iodine products as they are not correctly labelled with this warning!
The ACE of health supplements is Colloidal Gold, because it optimizes the nervous system. The science of colloidal gold is not well understood because it defies and points out that our current electromagnetic theories are insufficient at the nanoscale to really understand what is going on with this powerful bio-electrical metal. Modern high quality food grade colloidal gold is safe for internal ingestion according to Dr. Calin Pop. iMedDo now offers NeuGold™ at 50 ppm (parts-per-million) concentration in a 1/2 oz blue boston round glass dropper cap vial with 400 drops per bottle for health support only subject to the FDA disclaimer. NeuGold™ is a high quality food grade true colloidal gold and has a slight pink color and does not contain gold salt. Particle size is 12-18 nm with same safe proprietary coating as NeuSilver™.
iMedDo cannot make any health or medical claims concerning NeuGold™ as you understand from your health supplement mindset.
The true purpose of NeuGold™ colloidal gold is for optimizing your nervous system and reaching enlightenment. It amplifies and accelerates all healing and spiritual modalities and is best used to optimize the benefits of meditation, sound therapy, energy work.
You cannot focus on optimizing your nervous system when you are sick which is why you use NeuSilver™ and NeuIodine™ as well to protect and transform your body into a an optimal vessel to be the spiritual being that you are. Besides the true purpose of colloidal gold, it has many self-medication healing uses as well. I've personally experienced gold helping with mood, headache, depression and anxiety, and amazing fast when you put 3 drops directly under your tongue typically within 5 minutes, or 10 minutes longer if you put it in water and drink it. I have had enough feedback from self-medicators to say with certainty that it also helps a great deal with rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis (not osteoarthritis), and appears to be a general nervous system anti-inflammaotry and nervous system detoxer and because of that is helping with depression (nerve/brain inflammation), many strange nerve and back pains in particular.
Based on the observations of self-medicators, I have come up with a simple hypothesis to explain the majority of the actions of NeuGold™. It is clear to me that it is a preferred nutrient in the brain and nervous system to copper. I believe that when people do not get enough iodine that their thyroid doesn't work correctly and that certain metals in their body get out of balance. One of the most important ones is the copper/zinc balance. I believe the body uses 8-12 more zinc than copper to keep the copper electricity in control as it is toxic to the brain and nervous system and that although copper is a nutrient it acts as a quasi-heavy metal in the brain and nervous system. I believe that the excess copper in the nerves makes them "spas out or misfire" which explains why the gold helps with anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, and likely other diseases related to copper toxicity. If my hypothesis is correct then I also predict that the gold will help with Parkinson's disease since it is related to copper toxicity in the nerves. In addition the gold is able to flush out and detox heavy metals from the nervous system for sure Lead and likely many more possibly all heavy metals from the nervous system which is likely why it is having an "anti-inflammatory" effect and is likely why it is helping with headache/migrane and depression since depression has been shown to be related to brain inflammation.
There is likely much more health beneficial that gold does. A quick look at a recent nano-medicine paper talks about gold being used for all sorts of treatments including inducing apoptosis in cancer, liver protection, killing parasites, as an anti-oxidant and many other uses which iMedDo has not evaluated. iMedDo sells NeuGold™ for enlightenment health support but the world of mainstream medicine is still struggling to quantify this mandala. Gold is the new medicine of the Golden age just as silver is the new medicine of the Silver age. Don't get so caught up in the details, just recognize that each of these is infinite and can be used as a mirror to send love to yourself. No matter how many billions mainstream medicine spends trying to quantify these mandalas, they will never use them correctly as they are viewing them as a fix for particular problems in their diseased world paradigm instead of embracing the new Silver and Golden age of health and Enlightenment.
Like the iodine conspiracy, I think that an exciting field of gold hidden medical knowledge awaits. Throughout time rulers have controlled gold, it's access, and perhaps its medical knowledge. Historically, all learned knowledge including medicine and gold medicine in particular has been controlled by various priesthoods dating as far back as ancient Egypt at least prior to 2500 BC. I have found through personal experience that gold "sensitizes" your spine and nerves to spiritual and healing energy and is inseparable from a "priest-like" metamorphoses of your mind. Because of this little appreciated effect, gold healing is more akin to a "miracle" than traditional medicine/drugs that we are used to, and that gold healing through your personal spiritual expansion appears to be of seemingly limitless scope and can perhaps facilitate self healing of any ailment physical or spiritual. If you believe or have experienced as I have this effect of gold then it becomes obvious why people throughout time has tried to eat/drink/heal/worship using gold since the dawn of time.
The oldest references to colloidal gold is found in the ancient Sumerian/Babylonian creation mythology the seven tablets called the Eluma Elish which can be interpreted as an account of the planets and their movements . Central to the story is the idea of a larger primordial earth (dragon Tiamat) being attacked by another planet (Nibiru/Marduk). If the story can be believed in light of planetary interpretation, the ancient earth had 11 moons which were caught up in the gravity of passing Nibiru and a very large part of the ancient planet it's heart or womb was ripped out exposing its inner golden veins (blood of the planetary goddesss) and became the Moon (Kingu/Khonsu). The story is at least somewhat plausible in light of modern science in which the prevailing theory is that a Mars sized planet/asteroid hit the earth approximately 4.5 million years ago and that indeed based on isotope analysis the Moon does appear to come from earth rock material. Although no scientific evidence for this Nibiru planet has been found, it is interesting that in later times the god's name was updated to "Marduk" i.e. sounds like the planet Mars to me, and seems very interesting that modern science believes that it was a "mars sized planet/asteroid" that hit the earth. Could it have actually been the planet Mars itself that hit earth? Whether myth or ancient astronomy/astrology, it is a fascinating story when interpreted from a perspective of understanding where mankind's fascination and early beliefs about gold and silver originated and makes many divergent beliefs make sense in light of the mythology. Supposedly the seed of life was on Nibiru(Mars?) and was imparted to the earth when the collision occurred from which life evolved. Interesting the story goes on to have the idea of another race, the Annunaki who came to earth in search of gold as to them it was their salvation as they supposedly needed it to heal the atmosphere of their planet Nibiru. The fallen angel/astronaut Allahu supposedly came to earth first in search of the gold, found a garden full of snakes guarding the precious gold-water and he then phoned home like ET for backup, more arrived and they were supposedly involved in breeding with and creating man (Adamu) possibly through genetic modification in their quest to make some servants to help them out in their gold harvesting. Regardless of how you interpret the myth/holy tablets in their various forms, what is certain is that gold was considered to be highly prized in antiquity as being the "blood" of the earth goddess (it does occur in "veins" in the ground), and it was regarded as being "salvation" for the gods and men. Supposedly the moon Kingu was sacrificed to create men (had its gold veins mined out), and there is the overarching view that mankind really needs the gold and that planet Earth is the "planet of gold" which has it so abundantly that it can be harvested from the freshwater in rivers and lakes, but better watch out it is guarded by venomous snakes and this wise Annunaki fallen astronaut guy (demonized as Lucifer nowadays) who you gotta go through to get into the garden to get that precious gold water. Hard to evaluate mythology, but it is clear that the ancients in Iraq, Egypt, South America very well might have been trying to harvest gold from the water be it for themselves or to please their gods.
Believed to be the oldest known worship center discovered on earth (prior to 2500 BC pyramid uncertainty date) is the "Stargate of Abu Ghurab" near Abu Sir Egypt home of the crystal mandala which is believed to have been the base of the oldest obelisk in Egypt inscribed with the symbol "Hotep" for "Peace". Because colloidal gold has a calming effect on the nerves could this be the Peace that the ancient Egyptians were referring to? The site has strange and mysterious large stone bowls with holes in the sides apparently made with laser precision. The bowls were originally placed around a pyramid with large red granite stones (red granite believed to be a characteristic of the earlier Atlantean/Annunaki/AlienAstronaut? race). The best theory that I've seen is that the bowls were used for gold (colloidal gold in water no doubt) harvesting using the pyramid with a water feature which would somehow pump water to the top where it would perhaps stream down to be collected and sluiced. If this theory of the Abu Ghurub stargate is correct, be sure if you ever meet an alien, rather than trying to say the word "Hotep" i.e. "I come in peace", you will probably get farther by offering the alien a drinkable NeuGold™ snack to calm down it down and show it your peaceful sincerity =). If a pyramid is a gold sluice then it makes sense that the stone at the top of each pyrimaid and oblisk (called the ben-ben stone much to my delight since my name is Ben) was always plated in gold, or gold & silver (electrum). Some people think the ancients were using pyramids and obelisks over water sources to somehow tap into or broadcast telluric currents from the earth and solar (gold) and lunar (silver) currents from the sky. I personally think they were drinking colloidal gold in their water as well. Perhaps since gods were believed to be relatives of but live longer than man and perhaps the gold was used to live longer by tapping into the divine DNA. In any case, the idea of drinking gold water is not a new concept.
Colloidal gold at high concentrations (500-5000 ppm) is a red color and has been used for thousands of years in stain glass windows, and water from a golden bowl or chalice often used for holy water. The Egytian word Nb/Nebu/Nub for gold for which the land of Nubia come from indicates that there were many gold mines in ancient Africa and the Egyptian hieroglyph for gold is somewhat of a mystery as it looks like a basket or perhaps a large beaded necklace or collar but often depicted more as a footstool with goddesses kneeling or standing on top of it. Below is an image from King Tut's coffin with Egyptian goddesses Isis and Nephthys standing on the gold "footstool" symbol perhaps because of gold's association with the sun god and hope of eternal life. Interestingly, King Tut was part of a historically covered up "heretic" period in Egypt portrayed as a shift to monotheism called the Amarna period and the image below may be very similar to or may have inspired the "cherubim" on the biblical ark of the covenant.
Fascinatingly, there is one direct reference to drinkable gold in the Torah/Bible at Exodus 32:20 where Moses fires the golden calf, then "spreads it on the water" and makes them drink it! Since Moses was portrayed as being raised and taught in Egypt, it perhaps makes sense that he knew the secrets of Kemetic gold working alchemy and thus knew how to dissolve solid gold, somehow make it water soluble and how to make "drinkable gold".
The ancient pharaohs who were also high priests were believed to ingest a drinkable form of gold likely giving rise to the popular myth that Egyptian gods had gold for blood. Based on the biblical account, it seems that Egyptians had a way of melting and dissolving gold into a water soluble powder i.e. perhaps food grade colloidal gold! Gold because it never tarnishes was considered the "flesh of the gods" and perhaps in ancient Kemetic mystery religions eating or drinking the flesh of the gods was considered beneficial much as eating the "flesh and blood of Christ" in more modern Christian sacraments. Gold perhaps was thought to be more of a male metal because of its association with the sun and sun god but interesting is frequently depicted as above with the goddesses as part of death protection/eternal life/resurrection so its gender association is not so clear.
Because every pharoah/god/priest was potentially given drinkable gold or perhaps a water soluble possibly colloidal gold powder then doesn't it make sense logically that it is possible that some of the gold given to baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11) actually could have been in the form of drinkable gold Aurum Potablis possibly from Egyptian alchemy and intended as a spiritualizing medicine? Perhaps it was, especially since it is mentioned next to Frankincense and Myrrh, two plant resin/incense/oil/medicines whose vapors are used to this day for spiritual purposes in many religions (in Catholic churches for example as an asthmatic friendly smoke). Likely it was gold dust ground into a fine powder (which could be suspended in water i.e. colloidal gold) since mention of gold being ground into powder to be suspended in the atmosphere was around already in the Eluma Elish, it was not unheard of. Alternatively, gold is frequently mentioned in the Bible in the form of a golden cup for drinking wine from (sometimes in a positive and sometimes in a negative connotation), and as golden lampstands for burning of incense (Frankincense and Myrrh?). It is interesting that Myrrh at least could be ingested if dissolved in wine and perhaps was served with some drinkable gold or from a golden vessel which may have leeched gold ions into the mixture for an added health boost? My impression upon studying biblical gold references in the Old Testament is that gold (and silver, and clothes, copper, and iron to some extent) were highly valued for religious uses in the ancient times, that kings had a propensity to want to cover everything in their temples with it and plunder it from each other, that gold could be programmed with the energy signature imparted by the worshipper and needed to be purified by fire to convert the gold of other gods into HIS gold. Interestingly though, metallic gold was considered by the prophets to be perishable, tarnishable and useless compared to the value of wisdom and understanding (considered astral gold by the alchemists). My impression of the gold in the New Testament is that, the gold is inside of each of us which has an interesting Egyptian ingestible gold connotation to it by my mind, and jives somewhat with the hypotheses that Jesus may have spent some of his adulthood training as an Egyptian priest (notable psychic Edgar Cayce is a proponent of this). I also wonder whether colloidal gold of a very high concentration was used somehow in turning the nile to blood (red) and perhaps in turning water to wine (red), possibly with an electric or spiritual current causing gold ions to plate out at a high enough concentration turning red? No matter how you interpret the scriptures or what your religious beliefs, most agree that taking gold internally and strengthening your spirit is definitely preferred by HIM to hoarding metallic gold (forbidden in the scriptures) and especially to doing what men tend to like to do which is to create a statue, cover it in gold and worship it (idolotry). Either way there is and always has been an interesting gold-spiritual connection and at least for me, my interested in nano-gold has certainly awakened and sent me on a spiritual journey from whence I am glad I embarked. Many customers have told me that using NeuGold™ has strengthened and accelerated their individual spiritual journeys as I have found, and I hope you experience the same.
The more I study ancient Egypt (Kemet) the more convinced I am that the gold they drank was very likely a true colloidal gold not just ionic gold or gold flakes, and I'm fascinated by what all medicinal and spiritual purposes they were trying accomplish. Firstly, the ancient Egyptians had electricity at least low voltage pottery type "bagdad battery" style with electroplating capabilities, and very likely were among the first to experiment with gold for medicinal purposes. Secondly, the Egyptians actually had colloidal gold available, as discoveries indicate they had the capability of making red stained glass and the red comes from colloidal gold particles of a certain size and concentration. Thirdly, the Egyptians had proven chemistry & nanotechnology capabilities that we know of concerning faienzed blue dye which forms nanosheets in water going back as far as 2500 BC at least so their chemistry prowess was above an beyond what people normally realize and high quality true nano-colloidal gold like NeuGold™ was not out of their reach. Fourthly, it is possible that Egyptian chemistry and nanotechnology prowess peaking perhaps around 2500 BC included laser technology which could explain some of the precision required to built the great pyramid which is actually 8 sided which if you don't believe in then you need to expand to aliens or atlantean technology transfer to explain.
Likely drinkable gold has many more discoveries awaiting us today. Amazingly, gold mining and likely smelting and potentially gold chemistry (alchemy) in Africa was very advanced in ancient times especially in the land of Nubia where Nub/Nb is the Egytian/Kemetic hieroglyph/word for gold. The Nb hieroglyph looks like a basket or perhaps a beaded necklace. One persisting mystery is that in modern times we really still don't know what the Egpytians were trying to tell with their art concerning gold such as the famous pictures of Egyptian gods such as Isis and her sister Nephtys who are frequently depicted as kneeling on the basket/gold symbol with hands in the "power position" (perhaps they doing energy work?) while surrounding a djed pillar (spine/nervous sytem uses of gold perhaps?) with ankh and sun disk on top (life and solar connection to gold perhaps?). One interesting clue in my opinion is the first ever Egyptian minted gold coin which has the Nb symbol for gold overlaid on hieroglyph for the human spine (Neter/Perfect/Fine) symbol which I believe proves that the Egyptians were aware at a very early time of the drinkable gold/positive nervous sytem (spine) effects of gold.
Did you know that the horse is a solar symbol and thus related to gold. You will be pleased to know that there is a horse on the other side of that Egyptian coin. At some point people realize that if a health supplement is good for them, it is good for their pets as well. If you are a horse owner and want to try out self-medication of iMedDo products on your animals under vet supervision then please contact me. I'm currently near Ocala, Florida the horse capital and a lot of people are very exciting right now about protecting, transforming and optimizing their horses (especially the race horses).
As a chemist who does gold and silver chemistry, I am technically an "alchemist" as the earliest chemistry in Egypt/Kemet concerned the utilizaton of gold. Alchemy in particular refers to gold chemistry and also encompasses the spiritual uses of gold as well and has a rich history in the middle ages as people tried to "make gold out of lead" and other follies as they refined the field of chemistry. One major difference between chemistry and alchemy is the focus of alchemy (gold chemistry) on the spiritual which I believe is a natural part of gold biochemistry/biomedical chemistry/medicine because of gold's spiritualizing effect on the human body. I was taught in elementary school that in the middle ages there were alchemists who were trying to turn lead into gold. Perhaps this teaching is part of some intentional gold propaganda meant to mislead from the truth and prevent the re-discovery of gold medicine. It turns out that what alchemists were trying to do was to turn metallic gold (not lead) into drinkable gold known by its latin name "aurum potabilis" i.e. potable gold. My interpretation of the texts indicates to me that they were searching for and knew that there was some form of gold between metallic and ionic gold which had some amazing beneficial healing and spiritual effects and what I think they were looking for was nano-colloidal gold perhaps very similar to NeuGold™. From my perspective NeuGold™ is true Aurum Potablis, is the pinnacle of modern alchemy, and is the key to unlocking a wealth of health secrets.
I did not know when I studied nanotechnology and biophysics in graduate school, that I would be eventually following in a sense after the German alchemists of the 1600's who understood the secret of gold that it is a MEDICINE of the highest potency and that through sufficient refinement could be even more potent. Although they ultimately are considered to have failed in their refinement, they and many alchemists before and since them has contributed greatly to the field of modern chemistry, but today with modern nanotechnology there has been a great leap in alchemy with the ability to create high quality food grade colloidal gold NeuGold™ which is revolutionizing the health supplement industry concerning nerve, spine and spiritual attunement. Soon I predict that NeuGold™ will be a staple health supplement for every Chiropracter, Reflexologist, Neuroscientist, Psycologist and anyone who works with the human brain or nervous system. The secret about gold is that it is so much more than just the best electrical conductor, or the foundation of modern money as bullion, it is actually as the ancients saw it a "heavenly" metal of vast utility to priests/doctors and medicine and human spirituality in general. I believe and am focused on raising money for research to prove that gold is actually a preferred nutrient in the human nerves to copper.
Gold shots used to be used for rheumatoid arthritis in mainstream medicine but are mysteriously no longer available where instead you can only find extremely toxic cancer causing and immunpsuppressing drugs. I asked a notable mainstream MD doctor i.e. a Rheumatologist and was told that modern drugs work so well for arthritis that they don't look further, and that although gold shots were once used for arthritis that no pharmacist could fulfil the prescription if they wrote one. I've met quite a few who claim that the modern drugs do not help them much, so I think the Rheumatologist may have either been exaggerating, be misinformed, propagandized, or is an active participant in the gold conspiracy. Ask your mainstream doctor why you can't get any gold shots and see what he says. Most alternative medicine minded people believe or suspect that they did work, and that they were removed as part of a drug monopoly move to sell poison. Whatever the truth is, don't waste your time trying to find inferior gold-salt drugs of old, when modern food grade colloidal gold is right under your nose. I can't sell it to you for arthritis, but I can't stop you from self-medicating for it either and if your arthritis just happens to get better when using NeuGold™ for health support, is not my problem, and is your solution, and I love making such win-win scenarios.
To the best of my knowledge NeuGold™ works more effectively and safely than any other modality including the gold shots of yore for Rheumatoid arthritis. Enough customers have asserted to me that colloidal gold has helped with their inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis that I believe it wholeheartedly. My own grandma claims that it has indeed helped her rheumatoid arthritis. My hypothesis is that the colloidal gold and/or gold ions released by it are somehow detoxing copper from their nerves which is why I believe people report that it is helping with Rheumatoid arthritis. For some good research references for colloidal gold see generally the work of Dr. Guy Abraham including:
Abraham, GE Himmel, PB: Management of Rheumatiod Arthritis: Rationale for the Use of Colloidal Metallic Gold, J. Nutr. Med. 7:295-305,1997.
NeuGold™ does not work for osteo-arthritis, but have you tried Frankincense (olibanum/boswellia sacrum)? Still NeuGold™ may help a bit since osteo-arthritis usually comes concurrent with rheumatoid arthritis and nerve inflammation. "Osteo" means "bone" so osteo-arthritis is a type of arthritis caused by bone build up where it's not supposed to be which can mechanically push on the nerves and be painful. Usually bone build up is a calcium metal imbalance problem and usually comes together with high calcium levels with low calcium utilization levels and along with magnesium metal imbalance which can cause trouble sleeping as well as vitamin D deficiency. Did you know that no matter how much vitamin D you take you still need some sunlight for your body to use it properly so try to get a little bit of sun exposure (not enough to get burned just a few minutes) every day if you can such as exposing your full exposed back to the sun. I believe that metal imbalance including calcium and magnesium can be regulated by iodine and when you get enough iodine your body can absorb and utilize nutrients better. You may be getting enough magnesium in your diet but be low anyway as your body is not using it without the iodine perhaps. Because of this, for osteo-arthritis, you might want to consider using NeuIodine™ supplement as well as the NeuGold™ and if you are lucky it is possible that the osteo-arthritis will go away or halt. Same with the reverse which is called osteoporosis where the body does not build enough bone and you get too much bone loss. Since some osteo-arthritis medication drugs are isolated from Frankincense, I belive that Frankincense essential oil or you can get the raw Frankincense plant sap and burn it on a coal and breath the healing vapors which are also germicidal, good for asthmatics and perhaps also anti-cancer. Perhaps the 3 wise men of the Gospel were on to something when the story goes they gave baby Jesus gold and frankincense as a baby gift.
Parkinson's disease as well as it has also been implicated with copper toxicity in the nerves. As with Rheumatoid arthritis, my hypothesis is that the colloidal gold and/or gold ions released by it are somehow detoxing copper from their nerves. Because of this, if I had Parkinson's disease, I would definitely try NeuGold™, food grade true colloidal nano-gold.
Many customer's report that after using NeuGold™ for a week, that their back pain is also reduced. My own grandma was primarily self-medicating for arthritis, but also asserts to me that it has somehow helped with her back pain as well. NeuGold™ appears to be anti-inflammatory in the nerves and seems to help with some back pains and many customers report self-medicating for menopause related back pains. NeuGold™ may not help with back pain if it is from a mechanical issue such as a bone or pulled muscle, for that try talking to a surgeon, chiropracter, massage therapist or other professional as needed. NeuGold™ does appear to help with "strange" nerve pains that nothing else seems to help possibly by detoxing heavy metal build up in the nerves (copper at least perhaps also lead and cadmium and others).
My own mother claims NeuGold™ makes her feel better, and my own aunt adamantly tells me that it's a "miracle" as it has cured her seasonal depression! Many customers have reported feeling better with gold, and gold is generally believed to put you into a "festive" mood.
I have yet to find a headache that the nanogold doesn't make go away, almost instantly. When I put 3 drops under my tongue any headache is gone in under 2 minutes, and if I drink the gold, it take about 10 minutes longer. I've personally experimented with addiction headaches, feverish headaches, sodium benzoate preservative headaches, dehydration headaches and more. If you have a headache, consider trying 3 drops of gold under your tongue and likely you will feel better in a matter of minutes. There does depend to be a little bit of a dosing issue as for headaches as sometime 3-4 drops is a good adult dose whereas 1-2 drops is not always enough for an adult but works fine for a child dose. For a starting dosing guideline for headaches I would try 1 drop if up to 50 lbs, 2 drops if up to 100 lbs, 3 drops for most adults 100-200 lbs, 4 drops if 200 lbs and up. However this is just a guideline, listen to your body and you will determine where in the 1-4 drop range of gold works best if you have a migrane or other headache. Because gold is expensive many people try to use the least amount that is effective, but taking more won't hurt you.
Many people believe that gold is beneficial for using in lieu of a particular addiction item. More research is needed on this topic, but as a qualitative test, it appears from my personal self-medication experience that gold can in fact be used to curb a caffeine addiction headache so maybe it could be used for other addictions as well. Gold has especially been implicated in helping with alcoholism. As a neuroscientist I am fascinated by this area of research and need more funding to pursue, so please support iMedDo so that I can support such worthy research goals. For self-medication guidance on addiction, here is what I would try if it was me which you are welcome to read about for informative purposes: If I had a nicotine addiction for instance, I would try using 3 drops of gold on my tongue every time I wanted a cigarette instead of actually smoking a cigarette. I believe the gold could help reprogram the ritual/habit and could help to convey the energetic of my intention to stop smoking into the brain more swiftly and would help curb the addiction withdrawal symptoms as well. I'm not advocating you try that, just letting you know my thoughts on the subject, as many people have reported that gold is useful for all types of addictions. As a scientist I really want to know whether gold really helps with withdrawal symptoms of what types of addictions, and to what extent in what dosage and whether different sizes of gold have different effects and a hundred other questions which as of yet still have no answers.
I've personally experienced that the gold somehow puts you into a simultaneously focused by relaxed state ideal for meditation, work and/or pondering universal truths. It feels like a state of increased intelligence, a higher vibrational state or perhaps a slightly disassociated state which allows you to better notice, control, govern and ponder your own actions, thoughts and feelings. Some people including my wife say that the gold gives her energy (so does the iodine) but unlike coffee which alerts but stresses you, gold seems to alert and also relax. I'm fascinated by the idea of using gold before taking a stressful test as it may have the benefits of focusing you, relaxing you without the negative side effect of caffeine of also making you need to use the bathroom. I think this would be a worthy field of research to find out whether gold could be useful as a test taking enhancer!
I've seen claims that gold can make you up to 20% smarter. Not sure who got those numbers, however, the idea of the possibility that gold could make your nerves conduct and fire better is certainly an intriguing one and one which deserves a real research study to find out! There is no motivation to do this research in mainstream medicine as gold is not patentable so can't make money for intelligence as a drug, plus perhaps the rich and smart people who might already be hoarding this secret knowledge wouldn't want us to know anyway. As a private scientist, this topic is a fair game research topic for me. I've already got studies planned when resources are available. As different size golds have different electric properties, figuring out which ones if any really stimulate intelligence through hippocampal studies would be a great research topic. I was mentored by notable learning and memory Neuroscientist Dr. Neal Waxham in graduate school, and I'm always looking to come back around to this area of research. When you support iMedDo, you can support real Neuroscience. From my personal experience, it does seem like my brain is more active and most notably that seem to have more good ideas more frequently when using gold. Also for intelligence see iodine.
The human brain has been discovered to contain immune system which was previously unknown to be contained there. If you took anatomy then you know that the heart pumps blood out but it doesn't just come back it gets stuck in the lymph nodes and is actually the squeezing of your muscles which push it back. But there are no muscles in the brain so how do you get your immune lymph flowing in your head? Suddenly all the yoga and spiritual people doing laughter therapy, sound therapy, humming, using tuning forks etc don't looks so silly after all to the scientist. Now there is actually a scientific basis in additional to the spiritual basis for humming and Auming. It is possible that a disease like Alzheimer's which is related to a protein build up in the brain could actually be protein build up in the brain's lymph nodes. If that's the case then if you have a loved one who is at risk or suffering from Alzheimer's have you tried having them Aum yet? It just might work to shake up that head a bit and help complete the brain's ciculatory system flow to get needed infection and protein buildup out and anti-bodies in. Also try NeuGold(tm) colloidal gold. What are you waiting for, AUM for Alzheimers!(tm). I didn't take Medical Neuroscience in medical school for nothing, and I'm not content that there is no cure for Alzheimer's except the long term care insurance fix for the finances. I think this might work and I'm looking for feedback. Who do you know who has Alzheimer's and have you had them try this yet? This is at once old news in the spiritual community but is new news for science so help me spread the word. AUM.
Because gold salts have anti-inflammatory effects, many people think colloidal gold may as well, but I don't have any customer feedback yet to confirm or deny for gold, nor do I have any first hand knowledge on this issue either. I do have feedback that the silver definitely has been reported to have an anti-inflammatory effect, and gold as a similar noble metal might as well but more feedback and research is needed. Let me know if it works for you as I value your testimonial.
Some customers have reported self-medicating with iMedDo products for fibromyalgia breakouts and that they have helped greatly. Because fibromyalgia is somewhat of a catch all disease, different people's fibromyalgia may have different causes and for some NeuGold™ will help if it a nerver problem, but for most fibromyalgia's is the NeuSilver™ that will help the most since it is a bacterial biofilm in the smooth tissue not the the nerves as the underlying problem. Try all 3 iMeDo Products together standard dosage, and take 4 extra drops of the NeuSilver™ additional and/or 3 additional drops of NeuGold™ in case of a flare up and see which one helps. If the NeuSilver™ helps was likely an infection problem, if the NeuGold™ helps was likely a nerve inflammation or toxicity problem. Feedback has been that the majority of fibromyalgia cases is typically a bacterial biofilm so be sure to have some NeuSilver™ on hand if that is the case for you.
Historically people desired to drink gold for longevity and youthful appearance. NeuGold™ has not been on the market long enough yet to have feedback on this issue, but since it is the highest quality food grade colloidal gold on the market, there is really no reason to think that it won't result in a positive cosmetic effect. Even using a low quality contaminated gold, the mistress of the king of France allegedly looked 30 when she was 60 because of the gold (see below dangers of non-food grade gold), imagine what pure food-grade gold could do!
I've experienced NeuGold™ sensitizing my nerves to healing and spiritual energy of all types. In particular, I became sensitive to Reiki (Japanese energy healing originating from study of Lotus Sutra) as before I could not feel it and now with NeuGold™, I feel a tingling sensation when Reiki work is done on me. If you don't believe in energy work, you can try out NeuGold™ with the "Bemer" chair, the Nasa microcirculation enhancement electromagnetic energy chair or pad (Bemer is a trademark of Bemer Internation AG and not of iMedDo) where you can "feel" it stimulating you at a much lower setting than typically is perceptible to humans. I frequently encounter Bemer salesmen at fairs I work at and I never cease to impress them as I feel zapped by their device when it is barely on after taking the gold. Energy sensitization of the nervous system by the gold is likely because gold is 10,000x more electrically conductive than copper in the nerves and results in enhanced perception of energy. Try any form of energy work using NeuGold™ such as sound therapy, Reiki, meditation, yoga, or whatever floats your boat and likely you will experience an enhanced experience. I love feedback so let me know your experience!
Similar to Argyria with silver, too much non-food grade gold can result in a negative cosmetic condition called Chrysiasis which can result in a mauve or purple-darkgrey color of the skin. NeuGold™ does not cause Chrysiasis. As low quality knockoff non-food grade golds start to flood the market, I expect the incidence of Chrysiasis to increase, just stick to NeuGold™ and you don't have to worry about it. Likely, many hopeful alchemists in the middle ages did not actually succeed in creating Aurum Potable but instead made non-food grade gold. One mixture was thought to be gold chloride (a water soluble ionic gold salt) mixed with diethyl ether and possibly mercury. Ionic gold is not meant for prolonged internal use and does not reach homeostasis in the body as there quite a bit of science concerning the correct size, coating, and concentration that goes into doing making food grade colloidal gold. Infatuation with the fraudulent non-food grade supposedly drinkable gold peaked in the 16th century France where a mistress of the King Henry II taking gold for her beauty may have died from a metal or gold overdose. Already, I see an unfortunate resurgence of non-chemists, non-biomedically trained people trying to sell gold "snake oil" which may not even contain any gold, and I encourage the supplement user to only get food-grade colloidal gold if you intend to supplement your health with gold. NeuGold™ is the only safe food-grade colloidal gold that I am currently aware of on the market. A common trick is to play to people's demand for "blood-red" gold because it is pretty, and already I believe there are fraudulent supposedly colloidal golds on the market which may simply add red dye to their product along with perhaps gold salt to make a very non-food grade product. Another trick is to sell gold flakes, which is a really great way to waste money for the consumer as gold above 20 nm does not absorb well in the body, so don't waste your money eating gold only to be making expensive poop and like with large silver chunks is not really that safe either. Don't be the person calling me complaining that you rubbed in or drank some other company's shyster gold product on your skin or in your mouth and now think you have overdosed (yes someone has done that before!). I'm only responsible for the safety of iMedDo NeuGold™ which is the only safe true colloidal food-grade gold that I am aware of. Besides having vetted the quality of my materials, which are certified by a mainstream internal medicine doctor as being safe, and understanding the size and coating issues of the nanotechnology as a biophysicist, and by manufacturing, bottling and labelling it correctly as a chemist and member of the American Chemical Society Medicinal Division, and by talking to people about how to use it correctly as a Doctor of Supplemental Medicine, I wear many hats and employ many processes including modified cGMP compliance to back up my safety assertions. What do other companies do? Since you understand the health supplement mindset, you are doing your homework on me by reading this and I thank you, for being able to discern between non-food grade gold and food grade true colloidal gold NeuGold™, as although the difference is like night and day to me, the subtle difference might be lost on the passing observer.
Food grade colloidal gold NeuGold™ is believed to reach homeostasis in approximately 1 week of taking 1-4 drops a day. There is much similarity with gold as with silver, as they are both noble metals, both can have ionic (water soluble), colloidal (more readily absorbable for reaching homeostasis), and too large forms which can cause negative cosmetic skin effects if you do not use a food grade true colloidal source. Taking pure ionic gold salts, or low quality (too small 1-10 nm or too large particle sizes >20 nm) even if colloidal is non-foodgrade and does not reach a beneficial homeostasis is not recommended.
Gold is very good for your liver and also helps it break down alcohol in your blood.
I believe that gold may actually be an even more potent detoxer than iodine for the brain and nervous system in particular where it seems to act with extremely fast speed (5-15 min perhaps). The gold seems to be pushing heavy metals toxins out of the nervous system into the the digestive track. Rare but possibly side effects of using gold are Constipation and possibly pain in nerves as around gut region as the heavy metals are being sent on their way to exit the body through the feces. Whereas iodine will detox heavy metals every way possible (skin, urine, feces), I believe that the gold primarily detoxes directly into the feces. If you experience mild constipation, simply drink water and wait for your next bowel movement for toxins to exit. Just as toxins will sit in the skin and won't sweat out sometimes without the iodine, likely toxins near the gut ready to exit body also need iodine to make the last transition to getting out. Just take all three iMedDo products together and you will detox effectively and gently. I also believe that the gold pushes the toxins as far from the brain as it can get them (down to feet) and thus soaking feet in a salt bath is another good way to facilitate the gold detox.
I'm not aware of an upper limit on how much gold you take in a day, it just gets expensive so better to use the minimum amount that you need if you trying to be frugal. For most people that is 1 drop a day, for people with problems like rheumatoid arthritis typically 4 drops a day and the highest I've heard of people using it is 9 drops a day. I tested it on myself at 100 drops just to demonstrate there is no adverse reaction and it really put me in a "festive" mood for about 4 hours, more is not necessarily more effective, just use the minimum amount you need to save money. There are 400 drops in a bottle of NeuGold™ so it is a YEAR supply using it 1 drop a day or if you use 4 drops a day would be a 100 day supply i.e. over 3 months. On average a bottle will last about 6 months for most people since they take 1 drop most days and then 3 additional every now and then if they have a headache, don't feel good, feel depressed, or are stressed out. Because gold detoxes the nervous system, it is always good advice for detoxing to start low then ramp up, so I wouldn't take more than 4 drops everyday for the first week, if you plan on experimenting with higher doses of NeuGold™ in your spiritual and mediation uses. Once your nervous system is detoxed and all the toxins have exited your gut (if gold give you mild constipation means there are still toxins being excreted there) then take as much as you want.
One way to verify you have food-grade colloidal gold is by the color. NeuGold™ is almost clear but is actually a light pink color which you can verify by holding it up to a black background. I get high quality true colloidal gold at 5000 ppm (blood red color), and it is pink at 500 ppm and is an almost clear but light pink color at 50 ppm which is the correct concentration for human consumption with 1-4 drops a day (Most people use 3 drops a day). When you see a 10 ppm gold claiming to be blood-red you have to ask yourself did they add some food coloring in there, because likely they did, so beware of scammers! If the gold is completely clear, it may be simply gold salt which is not food-grade for internal use. NeuGold™ contains no gold salt. Now that you know the faint pink color of NeuGold™, also be aware of scammers who may try to add a little dye (pink) to gold salt or water, so you can never rely on color alone to verify gold quality, but it is a good first past test, just as true colloidal silver should have an amber color not a clear or cloudy white color.
There is a lot of buzz about "mono-atomic" gold but that just means that the gold is distributed as single gold atoms. NeuGold™ is a true colloidal gold, not monoatomic BUT actually does slowly release monoatomic gold but since it is colloidal is able to distribute better in the body first before delivering its golden payload and is thus superior to non-colloidal pure monoatomic gold which is not in a food grade form per se. Gold 10-20 nm is food grade size and beware of either smaller or larger particles for consumption. NeuGold™ is bottled at 50 ppm concentration whereas many knockoffs are much less concentrated with non-food grade particle sizes. Some products advertised as monoatomic gold are simply gold salts and not true colloidal gold in a similar fashion to how many silver products advertised are simply silver salts and not true colloidal silver either so buyer beware if you don't use quality iMedDo products.
Colloidal silver and colloidal gold are both anti-inflammatory where silver reduces inflammation in the body and gold in the nerves and brain for a total body anti-inflammatory.
Colloidal gold and iodine both effect the nerves in a positive way. Both result in increased intelligence as nerves fire better and are more conductive than without.
Take all three daily for maximum health support. Silver and Iodine immune boosting and germicidal, Iodine and Gold nervous system, Silver and Gold anti-inflammatory.
Gold for most people has no taste, but many people report that it has a "sweet" energetic to it. When people are toxic sometimes when taking gold for the first time the will taste "metallic" which is like the metals being detoxed by the gold and not the gold itself. After taking gold for a while, not taste is reported. An interesting sidenote is that people in India reportedly put gold on the tongue of infants "to make their voice sweeter", and thus more testing in peoples of different cultures is needed to see whether some people actually have a "gold" receptor on their tongue.
It seems like colloidal gold gets in the nerves, colloidal silver gets everywhere except the nerves, and iodine gets everywhere. It is possible that the human body has evolved and adapted to use certain metals like copper as a catch all perhaps in the nerves out of desperation when it is deficient in gold or iodine either of which might actually be a preferred nutrient to copper for nervous function. Copper is known to accumulate in the nerves from chronic stress and is linked with arthritis. Colloidal gold releases monoatomic gold cations which are hypothesized because of their chemical similarity (see periodic table) to detox copper in the nerves and serve as a more conductive and preferred metal for optimal nervous system function. Copper is known to be controlled in the body along with zinc and perhaps regulated in part by iodine related thyroid function. If this hypothesis is correct then it makes sense to take gold and iodine together as they will have a synergistic effect on nervous function with both gold and iodine improving nervous working and both detoxing copper in the nerves.
Heavy metal is synonymous with "bad metal" in the body from a biomedical perspective. Anything which has some positive or nutritional effects cannot by definition be a heavy metal. Anything that can build up in the body is heavy metal-like though. Anything that is recognized as a nutrient is by definition is not a heavy metal by definition. Copper, Silver, and Gold are all very chemically similar on the periodic table, but currently believed to be very different in the body. The main difference is that copper is considered a nutrient and thus is not a heavy metal by definition, whereas silver and gold are not as of yet acknowledged to be nutrients but are considered to be "noble metals" which have strange electric and energetic properties at the nanoscale. However, I think copper has a lesson to teach us. Copper can obviously build up in the body and become unregulated and thus act heavy metal-like. Gold appears to detox copper from the nerves and seems to behave somewhat nutrient-like. It is possible that all 3, copper, silver, and gold when in the wrong form or size or when unregulated perhaps can build up in the body if not in homeostasis and behave heavy metal-like. This at least is consistent with their chemical similarity, but let's take it a step farther. Perhaps copper has something to teach us, maybe it is more similar to silver and gold than we think. Maybe actually all 3 copper, silver, and gold are actually nutrients; Maybe actually all 3 copper, silver, and gold are actually regulated in the body (iodine mediated), Maybe actually all 3 copper, silver, gold are actually noble metals with interesting electrical properties and nanoscale properties; Maybe iodine is always required for optimal electrical function and mediation between the noble metals. Iodine itself is an bio-electrical/bio-conductive nutrient masterpiece capable of energy absorption at many different vibrational states and in many different forms.
I believe that colloidal gold 10-20 nm is a preferred nutrient in the brain to copper, and that it will be recognized as such in my lifetime. Gold is currently not recognized as a nutrient in mainstream medicine but copper is. However, copper also needs to be recognized as a quasi-heavy metal that is toxic to the brain and nervous system. I believe this understanding explains why the body uses such as high zinc/copper ration using the zinc to suppress the copper electricity in the brain as it is toxic there.
If you look at the periodic table in a column you will see Cu (Copper), Ag (Silver), and Au (Gold). These metals have one electron in their outer shell and are all highly electrically conductive. In contrast heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Aluminum etc, have two electrons in their outer shell and are highly non-conductive which makes them toxic in the body as they block your bio-electricity. Iodine in NeuIodine™ is able to grab an electron, make a heavy metal temporarily conductive so that the body can bind it and remove it. Copper electricity appears to be a catch all type electricity that is used throughout the body but is kept in tight control by zinc as it is toxic to the brain and nerves if it gets too high. My hypothesis is that silver electricity although not used by the brain and nerves is actually a NUTRIENT like copper used throughout the body to zap baddies (bacteria, virus, fungus) so in a way silver is used to protect and purify the body like an electric fence or force field, or you can imagine it is the body's bug zapper. My hypothesis is that gold is the preferred NUTRIENT in the brain. Whether or not there is some other good but non-conductive metal (like zinc is to copper) to keep the silver and gold electricity in check is not known, however I believe that there is not (see next hypothesis).
I believe it is actually the silver electricity itself that keeps the copper and the gold electricity in balance and that this balance occurs in the heart which likely explains the known metaphysical association with silver to the heart chakra. It is possible that whereas gold is preferred in the brain and nerves that silver electricity may actually be the preferred nutrient or electricity in the heart. Likely besides pumping blood the heart has a less known electrical (silver bug zapping function), and it is known that many nerves and neurons are in the heart. It seems that copper (or excess metaphysical grounding which is associated with copper) is toxic above the heart/heart chakra electrical area and silver seems to reset the balance if it gets out of whack. Too much copper makes you feel "heavy" and restoring balance makes you feel "lighter". What exactly this perceived weight is in the heart is unknown but toxic, and silver by removing it aids greatly in healing the body, gold aids greatly in getting the brain and nerves to function, and perhaps copper has a larger role to play in the lower body especially gut areas. Copper is also anti-bacterial and perhaps plays a first line of defense against invaders, silver the second and gold the third.
Gold has been used since antiquity in eastern medicine and perhaps it is time modern medicine catches up with ancient medicine concerning gold. Regardless of whether you believe in ancient gold knowledge passed on from the Egyptians to the Jews, to possibly the Masons and the Catholic church, gold has long fascinated humankind and has not only uses as money and bullion, but also interesting and uncovered electrical and medicinal properties which require further investigation. As a Medical Biophysicist, an exciting area of research for me is figuring out which gold sizes and energy signatures are important for human health as each size of colloidal nano-gold is known to have different energetics. Gold and silver are noble metals and have special energetic properties which are even acknowledged in mainstream science and referred to as optical properties and surface plasmon resonance which have fascinated me every since I learned about their potential application in cancer therapy from my training at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Rice University. Gold hyperthermia radiation therapy and immunology gold conjugating for cancer targeting is fascinating and up my alley, but I think is a red herring to the gorilla in the room which is the likely fact that gold is an unacknowledged nutrient which requires nutritional studies from the health supplment mindset angle not from the mainstream medical paradigm. I am undaunted that there appears to be no funding for what I consider real gold research, and I am determined to do my own private investigation into the matter of gold medicinal uses, so please support me by buying my premium health supplements as you can help yourself and help me advance knowledge with your purchase. I'm committed to re-discovering any and all nano-gold medicinal applications for moderning medicine and iMedDo Inc under my leadership is on the forefront of nano-gold medicinal study. When you buy NeuGold™, you are supporting not only your health but also exciting Egyptian gold nanotechnology research!
4 drops of NeuElectrum = 1 drop of NeuSilver + 1 drop of NeuGold
NeuElectrum is a fun new option of how to take your NeuSilver & NeuGold and allows for convenient microdosing and family usage.
NeuElectrum is an economical option for buying a 2.5 month supply of silver & gold at a lower price point than buying the 6+ month supply standard set in which the NeuSilver & NeuGold last ~10 months (4x longer). NE is 1/4 the amount of colloidal silver & gold for 1/3 the price. It's a better deal (more silver & gold for the buck) if you get the standard set, but for those on a budget but who do not want to sacrifice quality, the iMedDo Modified System with NeuElectrum is perfect for you. The modified set is also convenient for travel as only 2 bottles instead of 3 to keep track of, and also makes for ease of dosing for women especially as easier to remember to do 4 drops of NE and 4 drops of NE (the same amount of drops) whereas do 4 drops NI & 1 drop NS & NS in standard set.
NeuElectrum is easier to ration and do microdosing and has some convenient applications when dosing little ones, whereas NeuSilver & NeuGold in individual bottles are more convenient to do higher doses for custom self-medication. If not sure which to get contact me to schedule a phone call and I’ll help develop your custom usage plan. makes use of a new technology where its data is hosted on the Bitcoin (BSV) blockchain. I have done this to assert my freedom of speech and freedom of religion that the words of this Guide may never be destroyed. Because bitcoin tech also natively allows payments, it makes it possible to easily purchase/donate to iMedDo for health supplements and the shop runs on Bitcoin (BSV i.e. Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision) and thus only accepts Bitcoin donations. If you wish to purchase/donate health supplements with United States Dollars (USD) currency instead, please use link instead of shop. is a fan site run by my wife and has many useful links like if you wish to schedule to talk to me personally and favorite link for my monthly newsletters where you can see how my spiritual journey has progressed & where you can meditate on my words to advance your own spiritual journey. I am grateful to Brendan Lee and Freddie Honohan of Elas Digital for their assistance in putting this Guide on the Bitcoin blockchain/Metanet/Internet 2.0.
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